Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Claims Covid Vaccine Makes You Gay

Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Claims Covid Vaccine Makes You Gay Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Claims Covid Vaccine Makes You Gay

Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Daniel Asor affirms that the coronavirus vaccine can produce changes in the sexual orientation of those who receive it

GAYLES.TV.- Rabbi ultra-orthodox Daniel Asor ensures that the coronavirus vaccine can produce changes in the sexual orientation of those who receive it. This has been stated on his YouTube channel where he has about 7.400 followers. According Asr «any vaccine with embryonic substrate - and we have proof of it - causes opposite tendencies«.

This Israeli rabbi is famous for echoing other conspiracy theories, such as one that holds that both the Covid-19 as vaccines are the work of a «global evil government»Composed of the Masonry, Illuminati and the co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, which are about «establish a new world order«.

Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Claims Covid Vaccine Makes You GayThe words of Asor contradict the official line adopted by the main leaders of the community ultra-orthodox, who have recommended to their parishioners that they get vaccinated and consider that immunization is safe and is not against religious precepts.

Despite this, the issue of vaccination divides Jews ultra-orthodox both Israel as in United States. A community with which Covid It has been especially primed among other reasons for its reluctance to respect the rules of social distance.

The Israeli association for rights LGTB + in the community ultra-orthodox, Synagogue, has answered with irony that they are «preparing to welcome new members«.

Sources: Antena3, 20 minutes, The Plural

Photographer: ODA

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