"Adèle's life" offends ultra Catholics

The life of Adele Gayles.tv "Adèle's life" offends ultra Catholics

GAYLES.TV.- In 2013 and after winning the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, the movie "The life of Adele" French director Kechiche received the corresponding authorization of distribution in French cinemas with the age limit of 12 years. Today the Administrative Court of Paris has revoked the permission removing that rating to the film. This is how French justice responds to the lawsuit filed in 2014 by the association Promote, a group of only 400 members of ultracatolic postulates and declared close to circles of the French extreme right, whose criterion is that "The life of Adèle" It should not be seen by meThe life of Adele Gayles.tvyears of 18.

The reason they allege is that it not only tells the love story between two women, but also includes too explicit sequences of lesbian sex. Sex scenes between two young women have been "realistically presented that can hurt the sensibility of young audiences," according to court officials after suggesting that the Ministry of Culture made "an error of appreciation" in classifying the film.

In front of Promouvoir is the lawyer André Bonnet ex militant of the French ultra right, father of eight children and supporter among other moderneces of the Latin Mass. Bonnet has embarked on an authentic crusade to stop what he considers a campaign of "unscrupulous" directors seeking to "reintroduce pornography on the circuits for the general public (...) with the avowed aim of participating in the destruction of social structures and relatives in the name of a libertarianism without limits "said the lawyer.
The life of Adele Gayles.tv

The main objective of Promouvoir is "the promotion of the Judeo-Christian values" and for that reason it fights against the phenomenon that considers another one of the black beasts of the morality, the representation of the homosexuality in the cinema. In this regard Bonnet made a statement in the 2001 stating that it was a "Practice against nature and linked to pedophilia, according to statistical correlation. That is why the lawyer did not hesitate to participate in the 2013 in a rally against homosexual marriage in France in which in a show of analytical delirium he compared the text that legalized homosexual unions with "the rise of Nazism and Marxism Leninism."

Beyond the internal issues of the neighboring country on who decides the classification of the billboard, whether the right-wing or the Ministry of Culture, the question to ask would be: Why "Adèle's life" and his "realistic lesbian sex scenes "Raises so many blisters in sectors as opposed as certain groups of lesbians and the ultra conservative right?

If you want to clear the doubt nothing like taking a quiet afternoon of the weekend for a viewing of "The life of Adèle."

And by touching the noses to the fachas we leave you with a compilation of 50 of the best lesbian scenes in cinema. Enjoy them!

Happy weekend!!

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fso3Patb4NI]

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