Does the law against the LGTB phobia encourage homosexuality?

Does the law against the LGTB phobia encourage homosexuality?

NEWS.- According to the e-Cristians organization, the recent law against homophobia and transphobia approved by the Catalan Parliament, promotes homosexuality and it is a clear indicator of the percentage increase in homosexuals in Catalonia. The approach itself has no foundation, because it seems unlikely that a heterosexual convinced change the third only because legally you will feel supported.

But the diatribes of e-Cristians do not end there. According to the officials of this association, the law could become "a powerful blackmail weapon" since it makes it possible to threaten, dismiss, punish or denounce someone for discrimination against homosexuals. That is to say, that anyone could use it for their own benefit seeking the harm of a third party. And where are the threats, ridicule, blackmail, dismissal and discrimination suffered to this day by members of the LGTBI collective? Definitely and as the saying goes, "the thief believes that everyone is his condition".

There is a third issue that greatly worries e-Cristians and is the consideration that, from now on, parents will not have the right to educate their children correctly because homosexuality will be seen as something positive. We can understand that for some people homosexuality turns out to be an act against nature and even an illness, but in no case that justifies that, with certain actions and opinions, are breaking the law and therefore should stick to the consequences. Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood transfusions, but not for the rest, we stop donating or close blood banks.

Fortunately we remember and remember the amounts invested by e-Cristians to finance a billboard campaign on billboards and buses with the slogan "A more abortions less retirement pensions". You can not be more manichaean, you will have to watch closely the movements of these individuals who call themselves Christians.

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