Raising awareness through «Sex felt»

Raising awareness through «Sex felt»

Increasingly, work is being done to create social awareness about the experiences and transitions experienced by transsexual people and how this affects their family and loved ones. First it was a viral sensation that spread the parents of Ryland, a girl who, at a very young age, did not feel as such and her parents' struggle so that she could be what he had always been, a boy. And now from RTVE's 2, through space Documents TV, the documentary «El sexo sentido«, Where the theme of the transsexuals in Spain, with testimonies in the first person.

When we are born we are assigned a sex based on biological differences, but… what happens when a boy or a girl feels uncomfortable with the sex assigned to them at birth? ¿How this phenomenon should be managed and normalized, which from an early age manifests itself in the family environment? ¿How can you help? these children and young people and how, from society and legislation, can we accompany these people on this difficult path, where we all play a very important role? The documentary sheds light on these issues.

"Sex sense" was previewed on May 29, 2014 at the Cineteca in Madrid and was broadcast by TV2 on June 15 of the same year. The documentary analyzes what it was like before to identify and manifest yourself as a transsexual and how it is today young people feel much freer and safer to be able to express these feelings and problems of identity. This documentary not only delves into the emotional problems experienced by these children, but also highlights the legal, social and medical problems they face daily.

Small grains of sand that help create among all a social conscience of the difficulties these people have gone through and keep on going to get something as natural as being what they feel they are, that his being and his opinion go to a. You can watch the full documentary here.

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