«We will», the most beautiful story

we will Gayles.tv «We will», the most beautiful story

GAYLES.TV.- This week we have been alternating one of lime and one of sand, to death and violence we have wanted to oppose love and hope. If the other day we told you about an exciting request for a hand in New York, today we bring you a beautiful love story we will Gayles.tvbetween two women.

The video comes from Australia, where egalitarian marriage has not yet been legalized and aims to win hearts and vote of the citizens before the possibility of a referendum on the right to marriage between persons of the same sex.

Your title is "We will", an expression full of the future, something like a "let's go ..." and tells the love story of a lesbian couple from their first blind date, the first awkward kiss, the first discussions and reconciliations. In short all the vicissitudes that pass any couple until the day of their wedding. And is that the protagonists Claire (Bianca Bradey) and Rachel (Madeleine Withington), they are neither more nor less than any other couple, the love they share is the same that unites millions of men and women in the world, it matters little if their unions are heterosexual, homosexual or the formula with which each person feels more comod @. Love is love, without more.
we will Gayles.tv

The short film is directed by another woman, Laura Nagy and from the close-up where Claire and Rachel wake up together on their wedding day, you win over its simplicity and beauty. The two women recall their love story in flashback while the background sounds "Stones" by Bec Sandridge.

The idea is simple, rather than convincing anyone, they try to make you feel that your love deserves, like any other couple, to be proclaimed on a special day that they can share with their families and friends and that their union has every right world to have the protection of the law.

A beautiful way to claim it.

Online TV

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8fi6oSKo7s&feature=youtu.be]

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