Selfies against homophobia in Marchena

Selfies against homophobia in Marchena Selfies against homophobia in Marchena

Neighbors of Marchena are photographed with their "proud municipality" poster in response to the Vox spokesman

Crowd of residents of the municipality of Marchena have responded with pride to a comment from the person in charge of Vox in the town, in which he questioned a poster in favor of the collective LGTBIQ +. Marchena is "a proud municipality” and this has been demonstrated by a spontaneous movement of tolerance and solidarity that has emerged from social networks. And not only because it is so stated on a sign that welcomes this town in the Sevillian countryside with nearly 20.000 inhabitants. Above all because of the response given by citizens to a publication by the representative of Vox in this locality, Jose Carlos Delgado Romana.

With a photo of the label that endorses Marchena as a member of the State Network of Proud Municipalities, the coordinator of this far-right party has addressed the marcheneros to tell them that “They should feel proud of those who get up early to work, of the self-employed who raise the blind every morning", among other things, "that do not have posters or colors”, in his own words.

Outraged by the statements of Slim Roman the dancer Miguel Angel Talaveron a photo was taken with the poster claiming “empathy and respect” He already asked the rest of the citizens to join in as a sign of support. The reaction of a considerable part of the residents of this municipality has been immediate. For hours, the networks were dyed with the colors of diversity, freedom and tolerance through messages of support for the community LGTBIQ +. A "tolerance revolution” that has transcended the town and has reached other towns in the Andalusian community, as members of the group defend.

Selfies against homophobia in MarchenaIn the text that accompanied the photograph talaveron wrote: "It's not my style, but I have the need to tell it, to see if someone from VOX understands it once and for all, I haven't even talked about it with my family but with friends, obviously they're going to find out here. Walking through Torremolinos, I was cornered by three individuals who literally came to hit me, yes to hit me, to the cry of life Vox and asking me if I was leaving a Gay bar, if I said yes, imagine what could have happened to me, I pulled my resources and I got rid of it, but I could have perfectly been a physical LGTBIQ+ victim because verbally I was. Today I find myself with a repulsive poster of the leader of VoX Marchena appealing what to be proud of and what not to. And I want to tell you with all the letters that I am PROUD that the city councils position themselves in favor of diversity and that this act is more than necessary, so neither short nor lazy I have gone to take a photo with this wonderful poster, and I would ask you to please go do it and upload it to the networks, thus opening a chain, we marcheneros do not want hatred, we want respect and that violence is not encouraged or incited, so that what happened to me does not happen. So if you have any LGTBIQ+ friends, your photo will make them very happy«. A few words that have moved the residents of Marchena.

a proud people

"I wanted to use the same symbol to turn it around and it is a joy that the marcheneros have behaved so well because the life of an LGTBIQ+ person is marked with scars and tears”, he confesses Miguel Angel Talaveron remarkably excited. “These shows of support help the people in the collective to empower themselves and feel proud of themselves.”, continues this neighbor who feels “overwhelmed" for the answer "so human” that he has since received, following a post that has been shared more than 300 times.

Likewise, he deeply appreciates that his neighbors have turned around because together they have managed to reverse a “unfortunate comment” to make it a “movement of smiles and hugs". "The members of the collective have told me that people stop them on the street to hug them and encourage them, what we have achieved is very exciting”, Michelangelo celebrates.

Enabling and inclusive environment

Precisely, the goal of Proud Municipalities Network is the "c"Create a supportive and inclusive environment so that no one has to emigrate ever again because of who they are and express what they feel”, recalls the person in charge of communication of this entity, Sergio Jimenez. "We want towns free of hate and discriminatory comments, that everyone be welcomed”, he underlines and anticipates that other city councils have already taken the example of Marchena for "shield the rights of the LGTBI groups that exist in the towns".

Selfies against homophobia in Marchena


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