125 members of the German Church come out of the closet

125 members of the German Church come out of the closet 125 members of the German Church come out of the closet

Homosexual employees and priests of the German Catholic Church come out of the closet and call for an end to discrimination

historical ad for the Catholic Church. A total of 125 ecclesiastical members of Germany, including priests, teachers and administrators have openly declared their homosexuality and have called for an end to discrimination against people LGBTIQ + within the ecclesiastical institution.

This is what they demand in the framework of an initiative called #OutInChurch which advocates "a church without fear” so that these people can live and work openly as people LGBTIQ + in the Church. This movement has gained a lot of strength in social networks, where messages of support are multiplying.

In the same statement they ask that the statements “defamatory on gender and sexuality"and defend"full access to all fields of activity and occupation in the Church without discrimination”. The "outdated statements of Church doctrine” on sexuality and gender should be reviewed taking into account the new understanding that exists of this matter “on the basis of the theological and human-scientific findings”, they claim.

They demand non-discrimination

125 members of the German Church come out of the closet

The motion #OutInChurch call all people LGBTIQ + who work full-time or on a volunteer basis for the Catholic Church to join the initiative, and urges bishops to publicly declare their support for the initiative.

They also ask that couples not be prevented from accessing the blessing or the sacraments. LGBTIQ +. "Because a church that reclaims Jesus and his message must act decisively against any form of discrimination and foster a culture of biodiversity”, says the statement issued.

They are not the first demands of the group. In March of last year, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith decided that it is not lawful for a priest to bless a same-sex couple, prompting several german priests hold ceremonies for homosexual couples as an act of protest.

Sources: HuffPostEl País

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