Interior detects groups of people who "hunt" against LGTBIQ + people

Interior detects groups of people who "hunt" against LGTBI people Interior detects groups of people who "hunt" against LGTBIQ + people

The minister Joan Ignasi Elena affirms that there are indications about gangs that go out to hunt homosexuals in Catalonia

The Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignacio Elena, he said this wednesday than "there are signs»Of existence in Catalunya of groups leaving «to hunt homosexuals«. Elena He did not want to classify the attackers as organized gangs, but explained that the police investigations have found «groups of people who meet and hunt«. According Elena, it's about people «installed in hatred and fed by a culture of hatred of difference«.

Elena has warned that Squad Mossos have 15 agents specialized in the fight against hate crimes «very prepared to attend to the victims«. «They have proven relentless in the fight against these crimes, as demonstrated in the aggression of the somorrostro«, Has pointed out.

According to Elena, people LGTBIQ + «they must not be afraid»To go out and behave as they always do because«in the end we will end up winning and they will have the Mossos by his side«. «We have mechanisms to accompany them. Fear is the victory of these people«, Added the Minister of Interior. "We will be very above because it is especially serious«, Added the minister, who has linked these groups to«a social component of permissiveness and contempt for the different that helps some groups to go one step further«.

Wave of aggressions

In the last hours all the Spanish state has experienced a new wave of aggressions LGTBIphobic.  The murder of Samuel Luiz Muniz, in early July, after being beaten while shouting "fagot«, Shocked Spanish society. The last Sunday, a group of 8 hooded men attacked another young man in Madrid and they stamped the same word, «fagot«, In a buttock. Last Friday, a group of four men insulted, threatened and tried to assault a 29-year-old young man in Vilafranca del Penedès. Also, this Tuesday they attacked a 21-year-old trans young man in Valencia for speaking in inclusive language (without gender relationship).

Pedro Sánchez has urgently called a commission against hate crimes due to the increase in attacks on the collective LGTBIQ +. Bill Ministry of Interior has warned of an increase in gangs that «boiler»People from the group LGTBIQ +. However, your minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has avoided talking about «hunting»Against this community, but has recognized that the attacks on the collective«they are more violent«.

Interior detects groups of people who "hunt" against LGTBI people

Sources: The NationalelDiario.esLa Vanguardia

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