The right of minors to an equal education

The right of minors to an equal education The right of minors to an equal education

FELGTB, Triángulo and Chrysallis demand that Education defend the right of minors to equal education

GAYLES.TV.- La State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Trans and Bisexuals (FELGTB), Triangle Foundation y Chrysallis, Association of Families of Trans Minors met last Wednesday with the Minister of Education, Mª Isabel Celaá, to demand that it urgently defend the right of children to equal education and knowledge in affective-sexual, family and gender diversity. In addition, they asked for urgent solutions to the intention of the extreme right to implement the parental veto in several autonomous communities.

The person in charge of the portfolio Education recently expressed its willingness to defend the best interests of the minor "above any parental vetoBut the entities demanded concrete actions to stop this threat from the extreme right to the right to education for children and requested the intervention of the state government within the framework of its powers.

"Children's rights cannot continue to be used as a bargaining chip"

In this sense, the president of FELGTB, Uge Sangil, stressed that “children's rights cannot continue to be used as a bargaining chip for political interests"And claimed"the urgent approval of comprehensive state legislation trans and LGTBI that protects the childhood LGTBI of violence they suffer daily and guarantee the right of all students to an education in values: social justice, equal opportunities and diversity".

Furthermore, he insisted that “it is essential to have the expert knowledge of the entities LGTBI to ensure proper training of teachers, families and students with the aim of combating bullying by LGBTophobia and establish specific protocols”. And it is that, the LGBTophobia is still the number one cause of bullying in classrooms and according to research by FELGTB, almost 60% of childhood and youth tranny has suffered Transphobia in the school environment.

The education system has an obligation to protect children

The right of minors to an equal educationFELGTB, Triangle and Chrysallis They recalled that the parental veto violates several current state laws such as the Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents; The Sexual health law and reproductive and voluntary termination of pregnancy; The Law for the promotion of education and the culture of Peace y Organic Law for the Improvement of Education (LOMLOE), among others and contradicts the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified by Spain. Likewise, it goes against the best interest of the minor, present in the legal system of the state.

As denounced by the vice president of Triángulo Foundation, Raúl González, "The educational system has the obligation by law to protect children against any type of violence, whether it comes from the school environment or from the family itself, and to offer all students, regardless of the opinion of their families, training in diversity , respect and inclusion".

Education in affective-sexual diversity

However, at present, education in affective-sexual, family and gender diversity is not widely taught. As it explains González, "in the absence of a trans law and LGTBI state that unifies criteria, the right of children to receive education in diversity and values ​​depends, first of all, on the existence of trans law and / or LGTBI autonomy and, if any, of the regional political interests of the moment, as it is being seen, of public funds and of whether or not there are administrative mechanisms to analyze the implementation of each law, among other specificities«.

In addition, as recalled by the president of Chrysallis, Ana Valenzuela, "there are still four Autonomous Communities in Spain without regional legislation that guarantees the rights of childhood and youth LGTBI and protect them from violence: Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, La Rioja, Principality of Asturias, in addition to the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla ».

state legislation

Thus, as he argued Valenzuela, "It is essential that there is state legislation that guarantees comprehensive and inclusive affective-sexual education in formal, non-formal and informal education”. "Lhe education in equality is not a privilege of families that agree that their minors are trained in equality and human rights, but an obligatory responsibility of the public powers towards the students"He assured.

The three entities indicated that this censorship affects not only the collective LGTBI but also the feminist movement, the educational community and other agents of society.

The right of minors to an equal education

Sources: FELGTB

Photographer: Tribune,

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