VOX shows teeth in Andalusia

Francisco Serrano VOX shows teeth in Andalusia

VOX hinders the three-way pact in Andalusia due to discrepancies in gender laws

GAYLES.TV.- Nobody will tear their clothes because this was seen to come: the ultra-rightist training refuses to accept the measures agreed between PP and Citizens to promote equality and gender policies.

The deputy and leader of VOX in Andalusia, judge on leave of absence Francisco Serrano It has been expressed with the emphaticness of those who, although a minority, are essential "Vox will not accept the agreements signed by PP and C's to promote gender laws in Andalusia." And he has done so on social networks (very much like Trump) regarding the negotiations to form an Andalusian government that, in all probability, will be led by the popular Juanma Moreno.

The hosts on horseback Santiago Abascal begin to put the sticks to the wheels of the agreement reached between popular and citizens in Andalusia and apparently this is only the beginning because he paints that will review very thoroughly all points of the agreement. Your vote will not be exactly cheap and we will catch everyone, but especially women and LGBTI people. Or what did the staff who voted vote for VOX believe?

Twitt Francisco Serrano

And it is that VOX has always been in favor of repealing, for example, the law of gender violence "and of all norms that discriminate one sex from another." What Pharisees! As if there were no prior discrimination that undermines women's rights! Because what VOX refuses to support is a programmatic pact that defends the need to "make effective the rights" provided for in the Andalusian Equality Law, to "promote measures and incentives to address the women's wage gap", to promote a Andalusian pact against gender violence and to "defend the rights of the LGTBI collective." And of course all that is unacceptable for the VOX jingoes, fuck gays, fuck women, no positive discrimination between genders…. They make it clear in their Twitter account “they will not support them if they do not eliminate, among others, this point of their agreement” Nausea!

But it is that what it is about is to establish a sufficient economic endowment to apply in Andalusia what is already law at the state level: “we will promote a great agreement against gender violence in Andalusia that develops in our community the progress achieved with the approval of the State pact against gender violence ”. With a "sufficient budget allocation" to undertake "each and every one of the measures provided for in Law 7/2018, of July 30, which modifies Law 13/2007 of November 26 on prevention and protection measures comprehensive against gender violence, in order to end this social scourge ”.

That is what they refuse to sign and above all they allow themselves the luxury of adding that these types of proposals are more typical of PSOE or PODEMOS: "Let them sign them with PSOE and Podemos" (...) "in social policy everyone follows, with submission Lanar, the commandments of the gender dictatorship ”. Well, you see, they call you, they call us, sheep. Fuck you!

We warned him, he saw himself coming, and we keep warning, this is not a match "with all the legitimacy", This is fascism, pure and hard and whoever warns is not a traitor.

Source: lavanguardia.com

I photographedto: RaĂşl Caro / EFE


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