Von der Leyen wants to remove EU funds from countries that do not respect LGTB + rights

Von der Leyen wants to remove EU funds from countries that do not respect LGTBI rights Von der Leyen wants to remove EU funds from countries that do not respect LGTB + rights

Ursula von der Leyen: «Discrimination based on sexual orientation has absolutely no place in the European Union«

GAYLES.TV.- The president of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyenwill do everything in its power to suspend Community funding to countries of the European Union that do not respect people's rights LGTB + and to bring those governments to justice in the UE.

«Discrimination based on sexual orientation has absolutely no place in the European Union. And, when it is in my power, I will act against it. Including suspending the distribution of funds and bringing governments to justice«, Declared last Friday the president of the Executive in the social networks.

This is how the German conservative answered a question about discrimination against people LGTB + en Poland y Hungary in a social media format designed so that citizens can submit questions to the president of the community executive.

Von der Leyen wants to remove EU funds from countries that do not respect LGTBI rightsVon der Leyen He added that he will press «so that there is a mutual recognition of family relations in the EU, because if you are a father in one country, you are a father in all«, And recalled that the CE currently works in a «digital workplace strategy LGTB +»That will present soon. «Stay tuned"Added the German, who stressed that"every person in Europe should be free to be whoever and love whoever they want, in all European countries«.

In addition, the president has repeatedly criticized the "LGTB free zones»Decreed by Poland, which considers «zones without humanity«, The most recent in his speech State of the Union before the European Parliament. Last June, the CE it refused to grant funding to six out of a hundred Polish cities that apply these discriminatory rules.

Ambassadors from 50 countries urge Poland to respect LGTB + rights

The ambassadors in Poland from about 50 countries, mainly from the European Union (EU) but also from U.S. and part of Latin America, signed an open letter appealing to the Polish authorities to respect the rights of the collective LGTB + and to act against «verbal or physical attacks" suffering.

In the text, initially posted on the website of the US embassy and released this Monday on the twitter account of the Spanish legation, it is recalled that due protection must be guaranteed to «all sexual minority»In the face of all forms of hostility.

The open letter from the ambassadors follows initiatives launched from different Polish municipalities, which in 2019 declared themselves «LGTB + free zones«. Ursula von der Leyen, recently condemned these discriminatory pronouncements and contrary to European values. Since Brussels It has been noted that the cities that join these initiatives will not be able to join the European grant programs for local authorities.Von der Leyen wants to remove EU funds from countries that do not respect LGTBI rights

Source: EFE, La Vanguardia

Photography: ElDiario.es


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