HIV / AIDS and quality of life


The annual seminar on HIV / AIDS is held in Barcelona

GAYLES.TV.- Therapeutic vaccine, cancer and the impact of antiretrovirals on sexuality are at the center of XIII Conference on the promotion of health and quality of life for people with HIV / AIDS. This seminar is organized by Projecte dels NOMS - Hispanosida In collaboration with Social Work "la Caixa" and brings together leading experts in various HIV / AIDS subjects to present the latest medical and scientific advances in an understandable and close manner. In the Conference, the impact of the epidemic on a social and psychological level is also analyzed, especially how it has affected the way of living over the years.


The opening ceremony begins on November 8 2016 to 16h and from 16: 30h the Dr. Juan Ambrosioni of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona will analyze the causes, the scope and the prevention of Cancer and HIV. Beatriz Mothe Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital will give a presentation under the name of «The therapeutic HIV vaccine: A reachable milestone?»In which he will present the latest developments in the field of research on a vaccine that allows people with HIV to control the virus through the immune system and dispense with antiretrovirals and the toxicities that they entail.

The Conference will close with a round table under the title «Antiretrovirals and HIV: Towards a fuller sexuality?»It is proposed to analyze the impact that factors such as the achievement of the condition of sexuality are having on the way of living sexuality. undetectable in people living with HIV or the progressive implementation of PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis), already approved in Europe and available in several countries. Will have the Dr. Pep Coll full Fundació Lluita contra la Sida / BCN Checkpoint, the psychologist Gabriel J Martín de Affirm y Michael Meulbroek y Ferran Pujol de Projecte dels NOMS - Hispanosida.

La XIII Conference on the promotion of health and quality of life for people with HIV / AIDS is expected to bring together over 300 Attendees, among people with HIV, medical personnel, activists and institutional representatives who will one year later fill the auditorium of the CaixaForum which will again become a space for interrelation and exchange of experiences. Registration is free, but limited places and it is essential to confirm attendance on the phone 933182056. For more information:

Sources: Projecte dels NOMS - Hispanosida

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