They denounce the guard of a discotheque in Esparraguera for a homophobic aggression

They denounce the security guard of a discotheque in Esparreguera for a homophobic aggression They denounce the guard of a discotheque in Esparraguera for a homophobic aggression

«You will have done something«, Snapped the Local Police of Esparraguera

GAYLES.TV.- A young neighbor of Esparraguera (Barcelona) has reported to the Mossos d'Esquadra having been attacked by a security guard Of the disco LTN Club last Saturday, February 8 ,. According to the complaint, the two young people were kissing in a compartment of the disco bathroom when the guard entered shouting "Sexual act!«, While he started slapping her with one of them. «He closed the latch and gave me up to four slaps while yelling 'fags'«, The victim explained. They tried to calm the guard and agreed to leave the bathroom, but he continued to beat the victim and injured his head.

The young man tried to leave the toilet, to which the guard replied "or you shut up or I give you a header«. At last, the people in charge of the disco realized what happened. «They offered us a VIP pass at the venue so we wouldn't report«, He relates. A proposal that he refused to accept. Already at the exit, where there was presence of agents of the Local police de Esparraguera, the young man regrets that at no time did they identify the aggressor. «You will have done something«, He says that the agents snapped on the street.

For his part, the mayor of EsparragueraEduard rivas, has shown its “rtotal pitch"In view of the events that have occurred and have considered that"it is intolerable that they happen in the XNUMXst century". Rivas has announced that “the city council will take measures that will affect the local schedule”, Since it is not the first complaint against this disco that he receives, and he will also study whether he is a popular accusation in this case. The session has approved a decree that forces the disco to close two hours before the allowed time. Instead of closing at six in the morning, he has forced them to close at four in the morning.

They denounce the security guard of a discotheque in Esparreguera for a homophobic aggression

Source: La Sexta, El Periodico, El País

Photography: The newspaper


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An opinion on "They denounce the guard of a discotheque in Esparraguera for a homophobic aggression"

  1. julio cesar says:

    What sanction was given to the aggressor? And the local police who revictimized the victim ignoring his complaint?

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