The exhibition "An LGTBI + look at the MEAM collection" raises the different realities of the LGTBI + collective from their own voices
GAYLES.TV.- In recent years, the celebration of the LGBTI + Pride has left the usual circuits of protest to claim in other spaces. "An LGTBI + look at the MEAM collection”Is an exhibition that raises the different realities of the LGTBI + collective from their own voices. The exhibition is curated by Joan Martí, cultural manager and Simon Perera, biomedicine professional and scientific disseminator and member of Prisma. This selection has the collaboration of more than 15 different realities within the collective that have dived in the catalog of the MEAM with an LGTBI + look.
- [G] ais, male homosexuality
- [T] rans *
- [B] isexuality
- [I] ntersex
- [Q] ueer
- [Q] uestioning (coming out of the closet, self-discovery)
- [A] sexuality
- LGTB + families
- LGTBphobia
- Pride, Pride
Online TV