LGTBI groups denounce that he had already suffered bullying in two schools and on the networks for being bisexual
GAYLES.TV.- The collectives LGTB + gallegos yesterday denounced the case of a minor from the Coruña town of kings who committed suicide after being a victim of repeated bullying for being bisexual. The 17-year-old girl took her own life because «couldn't bear so much hate«.
More than a dozen associations in defense of the rights of the community LGTB + have issued a statement in which they affirm that he made this drastic decision after being a victim of harassment. «All the people with the capacity to act, who knew what was happening, but who did not position themselves or get involved enough, are accomplices in his murder«They have denounced. They sign the statement Agrocuir da Ulloa, Alas A Coruña, Amiendo, Arelas, Avante LGBT, Chrysallis Galicia, Gotas, LesCoruña, Nós Mesmas, Rede Educativa de Apoio LGTB de Galicia, Sete Outeiros y Sex point.
The young woman had suffered harassment in the school environment in two different educational centers: the Integrated Public Center (CPI) You Dices in Rois, and the CEIP To Maía, in the neighboring town of bertamirans, both in the metropolitan area of Santiago de Compostela. She also suffered bullying through social networks. After so much hatred, she fell into a depression, until finally, on October 1, she committed suicide. It seems that she had already tried to kill herself on previous occasions without success.
The family has asked through a statement «respect for our right to personal and family privacy" And power "bear our grief with dignity«. «There will be time to clarify the events and, if necessary, the responsibilities through the legally established procedures«, They have declared. Finally, they claim that this family tragedy does not become a spectacle.
Source: La Voz de Galicia, Faro de Vigo, The Spanish, ABC
Photographer: Gayles.tv, Xunta
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