Awakening LGTBI in Italy

Gay demonstration Italy Awakening LGTBI in Italy

EDITORIAL.- Last Saturday thousands of citizens took to the streets in Italy to demand the equalization of the rights of homosexual and heterosexual couples. According to the convening organizations, with Arcigay to the head, up to a million people joined the demonstrations convened in more than 100 cities and towns of themani Italy LGTBI Gayles.tvItalian territory.

"Wake up Italy, it's time to be civilized" has been the slogan most chanted and present in banners and posters of the call. People have brought to the watch concentrations with what they want to symbolize that Italy is out of time and lives a clear delay of LGTBI policies in relation to the rest of Western countries around them. A delay that even earned a sentence from the European Court of Human Rights.

What has motivated the demonstrations is the imminence of the debate that will be developed in the Italian Parliament on a bill aimed at allowing civil unions between homosexuals. A project that does not include the term "marriage", is only about providing a legal framework as de facto couples to homosexuals, but this has not prevented a strong controversy between politicians and within society itself. civil. A clear example are the concentrations called on Saturday by conservative associations of all types of fur trying to avoid new legislation as aberrant.

Precisely one of the most controversial points of the new law is one that limits adoption to a son or daughter whose father or mother is already one of the partners, that is, a gay or lesbian couple can not adopt freely if one of its members no longer shows previous maternity or paternity.

Of all the gossip (which word is more appropriate) that has been organized, we are struck by the position of the Church. The controversial and ambivalent Pope Francisco has made some statements affirming that "Do not confuse the family loved by God with other types of unions". We count to 100 and we bite our tongues to limit ourselves to writing which is frankly irritating to say the least. Senator Mónica Cirinnà, promoter of the law, has replied to the Pope that "the social revolution that the Pope is doing is admirable. He must maintain the unity of the Church, but our Constitution is that of a secular country«.

There is a norm in phonetic evolution that says that similar Latin words evolve in equal terms. So why has "oculum" given "eye" and "saeculum" has given "century" instead of, for example, "sejo"? Well, very simple, because the repeated repetition of the phrase "saecula saeculorum" in the Latin mass until the last century was a brake on the natural evolution of the word. Hopefully the Church knows how to be in the right place and does not continue to stop the natural rights of thousands of Italian citizens.

Lucas 20: 25 "Dad at the César César lo que es ya Dios lo que es de Dios".

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