A priest describes transsexuality as an "aberration" during a homily in Cantillana (Seville)
GAYLES.TV.- «And there come all aberrations: that one is born a man, but can be a woman; one is born a woman, but can be a man ». With these words the priest Francesc Xavier Catala gave a controversial homily during the more than two hours that the novena of La Asunción lasted in Cantillana (Seville). The devotion to this image is one of the leading Andalusia and she is used as an example in many places when talking about the religious and social work that her brotherhood carries out throughout the year.
Francesc Xavier Catala is not the owner of the parish, whose priest es Manuel Martinez. It is common for this type of celebration to be held by invited priests. The priest who described transsexuals as aberrations belongs to the Royal Convent of Dominican Fathers of Patriarch Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Jerez de la Frontera. The fact is that on at least two occasions the priest took advantage of the sermon that the “regulation"Of the same allows you to do to quote homosexuals or people from the collective LGTBI, although he choked on wanting to cite the acronym specifically.
"Aberration" and "height of absurdity"
catalá djio: "The human being is the measure of all things. The human being is God. Why? Because he is capable of making himself. It is capable of being whatever it wants. And there come all the aberrations: that one is born a man, but can be a woman; one is born a woman, but can be a man. I am now a man but I get up in the morning and say now something else has occurred to me. Because I build myself. It is the height of absurdity. Why? Because there is no God as a reference. This is the best philosophy has been able to do. To say you are someone, and with that it is already a lot. Therefore you have a dignity. You don't have a price. Things have a price, people have dignity. They cannot be bought or sold".
After what happened the mayor of the town, Angelines Garcia, showed his outrage. García is a well-known fighter in matters related to the collective LGTBI. She was the director of the Andalusian Women's Institute, and directs a city council that has a specific council for the group. It is not surprising that he considers that the priest pronounced “some unfortunate words, not in accordance with the times we live in, nor the laws. They are a setback of many years in all the struggle that many people carry out ”. For the mayor, it is unfortunate "let a priest come to town and have those unfortunate words".
The president of ATA-Sylvia Rivera, Mar Cambrollé, has asked the Superior Prosecutor of Justice of Andalusia, that the regime is appliedn sanctioner contemplated in the Andalusia LGTBI Law and is charged as the author of an alleged hate crime
Source: elDiario.es
Photography: Youtube El Diario Andalusia
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