The "Defensem el que es obvi" campaign highlights that respect for diversity is not only a matter of legality, it is also a matter of fundamental principles and values that we share.
GAYLES.TV.- El Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies from Generalitat de Catalunya has launched a new campaign to raise awareness about equal treatment and non-discrimination. Under the slogan «We defend the obvious«, The campaign wants to sensitize citizens of the right and the obligation to fight against any type of discrimination and to offer equal treatment and opportunities to the different groups that comprise it.
This has been expressed by the Minister of Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies, Chakir the Homrani: "When diversity is linked to inequality, social problems are more difficult to solve. When diversity is lived with equality, the capacities of a society multiply«. Defending and promoting equal treatment and opportunities for people is the basis of the social contract, of coexistence, of mutual responsibility between those of us who live together, between institutions and citizens, among all citizens themselves. In this sense, the campaign makes sense in the context of the current crisis, which has a very important impact on social inequalities.
"The fight against discrimination cannot be done by the government alone"
The campaign highlights that respect for diversity is not only a matter of legality, it is also a matter of fundamental principles and values that we share. In this sense, it reinforces the idea that a cohesive and at the same time diverse society is essential to guarantee the development of the country and to ensure that differences do not lead to inequalities or discrimination.
Homrani states that «The fight against discrimination cannot be done by the government alone, we have to do it with all of society, everyone must help. We have to do this together. A firm attitude from each of us towards discrimination and in defense of equal treatment is essential to reduce inequalities«.
The campaign "We defend the obvious»Is part of the idea that all people have basic rights recognized by law that define democratic society, and therefore, they must be respected and guaranteed. These rights are included in different declarative and legal texts, such as the Declaration of Human Rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the Spanish Constitution and the Statute. Furthermore, Catalonia has been endowed with different specific laws, such as Law 5 / 2008 of women's rights to live free from sexist violence, Law 11 / 2014 for the protection of people's rights LGBTI, la law 17/2015 Effective equality between women and men.
Awareness campaign
«We defend the obvious»Wants to sensitize citizens to the right and obligation to fight against any type of discrimination and to offer equal treatment and opportunities to the different groups that comprise it. Since all people are equal and share the same rights, whatever our origin, gender, age, religion, abilities or sexual orientation.
In this sense:
- Aims to raise awareness of equal treatment and non-discrimination
- He emphasizes that respect for diversity is not only a question of legality, it is also a matter of fundamental principles and values that we share.
- It reinforces the idea that a cohesive and at the same time diverse society is essential to guarantee the development of the country and to ensure that differences do not lead to inequalities or discrimination.
- It is framed in the idea that all of us have basic rights recognized by law that define democratic society, and therefore must be respected and guaranteed.
Finally, the Minister of the Department of Work, Afers Socials i Famílies also warns that «the increasing presence of discriminatory discourses in some areas translates into an increase in violent, racist and intolerant attitudes, which promote hatred, division and rejection towards those people who are different or who simply do not live or think like some they would like. Given this, we must defend common values, the condition of citizenship for all people who live together, equal opportunities and equal treatment, and stand firm against all forms of discrimination«.
Source: Department of Employment, Afers Socials i Famíles
Photography: Department of Employment, Afers Socials i Famíles
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