«We transit», the trans comic by Ian Bermúdez and Lucía de Palau

«We transit», the trans comic by Ian Bermúdez and Lucía de Palau

«We transit», a graphic novel about the trans event

GAYLES.TV.- After publishing «Transit»(2015) Ian Bermudez Javier recovers his alter ego to tell about the experiences of his return to Barcelona. He starts a job, suffers from transphobia and finds new friends that lead him to get involved in social activism. A graphic novel halfway between the chronicle of the trans struggle and the autobiography that shows us the strength of the collective. The artist Lucia from Palau illustrates Javier's adventures with a style that moves between European comics and manga.

The project is financed through Verkami: Objective Accomplished. Congratulations! We will have it in our hands soon.

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