Trans *
News / Trans *
Non-binary people, protected in the UK
News / Lgtbiphobia
He fatally runs over his sister for having a relationship with a trans man
News / Lgtbiphobia
Hate crimes against the LGBT + community spark protests in Mexico
News / Lgtbiphobia
Transphobic aggression in the Plaza de Chueca
News / Lgtbiphobia
A priest describes transsexuality as "aberration" in a town in Seville
News / Lgtbiphobia
Two arrested for attacking and insulting a transsexual in Salt (Girona)
News / Trans *
Why do trans people not report hate crimes?
News / Trans *
Netherlands will not indicate gender on identity document
News / Lgtbiphobia
Trans Burger King employee dies of COVID-19 and her bosses blame hormones
Play / Trans *
Trans * Latin America Europe 2020 Conference
News / Lgtbiphobia
JK Rowling's Transphobia
News / Lgtbiphobia
Indonesia seeks to "cure" LGBT + population with exorcisms
News / Lgtbiphobia
Panic in Morocco after the "outing" proposed by a trans influencer
News / Lgtbiphobia
Hungary takes advantage of pandemic to cut transgender rights
News / Trans *
Letter from the Trans Platform to the Minister for Equality
Play / Visibility
March 31: International Day of Trans Visibility *
News / Lgtbiphobia
India's first trans pilot is banned from flying for six months
News / Music
Carmen de Mairena dies
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