The young trans thrown from the wall of Lugo leaves the ICU

The young trans thrown from the wall of Lugo leaves the ICU The young trans thrown from the wall of Lugo leaves the ICU

The police maintain that the young trans woman thrown from the wall of Lugo could have spent at least 6 hours lying in an interior courtyard

Women 23 year old trans that last Sunday was thrown from the Lugo wall has left the UCI, as confirmed by hospital sources. He was admitted to the critical unit of the center in serious condition, with a broken leg, several fractured vertebrae and a cracked wrist. You are now on the floor of the Lucus Augusti University Hospital and his state of health is delicate since he could suffer a post-traumatic shock. The first hypotheses suggest that what happened was a hate crime.

The events occurred at dawn last Sunday. According to the police investigation, the girl and a 24-year-old man met in the wine district of Lugo and they were together for drinks. They then moved to the wall, where they argued and he allegedly threw it into the void from a height of 12 meters.

Six hours badly injured after being thrown from the wall

The woman ended up lying badly wounded in an interior patio of some houses. She was not rescued until a man who was walking around 7:00 a.m. heard her call for help and notified the emergency services. The young woman's family has pointed to the mobile transofobo. The alleged aggressor was arrested and released the following day, although he is being investigated for the crime of attempted murder.

Different associations for the defense of rights LGTBI + They explain that the event could have occurred after the woman said she was a transsexual, at which point the alleged assailant could have pushed her. That is why the statement of the victim will be essential to know details of what happened.

The heinous record of the prime suspect

The suspect of precipitating the woman is a man who was already the subject of a police investigation related to the purchase of a Romanian girl to be his wife in 2014. The Autonomous Police of Lugo rescued the minor, 12 years old at the time, after allegedly being held for a month.

The boy was initially accused of a crime of sexual abuse, since the Prosecutor's Office considered that the relationships they had had were not consensual. But finally, although the court considered it proven that the young man's family had agreed to marry the girl for 2.500 Euros with a family of Córdoba, and that the two minors lived together, he did not come to be tried for the alleged sexual abuse.

As explained by the Voice of Galicia, the girl was released by the Autonomous Police and then sent for ten days to the center for minors of Saint Anxo, a Rabade. After this period, he returned with his family to Córdoba. And the parents of the boy -the young man now related to this case of the Wall-, upon learning of the girl's departure, demanded from the minor's parents the money they had paid for her to marry their son. The justification of those involved in that case revolved around the customs of their culture, according to the Police.

Purchase of minors!

In Romanian gypsy tradition, paying a dowry to arrange marriages between minors is common. The judge in the case supported this version and the young man ended up without being tried. In addition, the similar maturity of both was taken into account to exonerate the boy, despite the fact that he was 17 and she was 12, which could be considered a crime of abuse in the event of having had relationships. But the judge did not consider it that way, and the boy was released.

The police are aware that the young man may be a potentially aggressive person and that is why they have him under control. In fact, when he was of legal age, he was related to some cases of assaults and injuries. Precisely for this reason, National Police He ended up finding him last Tuesday with the help of the registry they have at the police station.

The young trans thrown from the wall of Lugo leaves the ICU

Sources: Faro de VigoelDiario.esPublicLa Voz de Galicia

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