We can all have a bisexual part that may or may not be obvious
According to Robyn Ochs, bisexuality It is the ability to feel romantic, affective and / or sexual attraction for people of more than one gender / sex, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way and not necessarily to the same degree or with the same intensity. This means that bisexual people can be attracted to both men and women, whether they are cisexual or transgender, as well as to people of other genders, such as non-binary genders. This attraction does not have to occur with the same frequency or intensity towards all genders at all times, it is something that can fluctuate with the experience of the person.
En 1948 the american sexologist Alfred Kinsey In the search to break the dual conception of sexual orientation, he affirmed that there are intermediate degrees between heterosexuality and homosexuality. The Kinsey scale establishes seven different degrees of sexual behavior, when traditionally only three were considered (heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual). Evaluating the sexual history of a person or the episodes of their sexual activity in a given time, a scale is used from 0, that is, exclusively heterosexual, to 6, that is, exclusively homosexual. Providing a gradation in sexual orientation, establishing degrees of bisexuality, being very novel for its time for being the first study that reflected such diversity and moved away from the then commonly accepted monosexuality.
Bisexuality as the midpoint of the scale
After an investigation that lasted more than 15 years, he concluded that we can all have a bisexual part that may or may not be evident, although more than defining an identity, these orientations are only a simple preference with thresholds or limits not always too much clear. Very few people in the study fully identified with the extremes, homosexuality and heterosexuality, so it also follows that sexual orientation is not as inflexible or static as it is usually posed.
And it is that contrary to what we have learned, monosexuality is not the only norm. The prevailing monosexism in society generates biphobia, invisibility, rejection and even assaults. Bisexual people are victims of myths derived from the ignorance of a society that ignores them because it cannot fit them into closed categories, a vision against which this group fights.
Bisexual erasure
Invisibility o bisexual erasure It is another weighty issue, which happens when someone's sexual orientation is assumed based on the partner they have at the time. That is, if a woman has a partner with another woman, it is usually assumed that her sexual orientation is lesbian. And if she later has a male partner, it is assumed that “he's back”To heterosexuality.
This erasure often contributes to the syndrome of bisexual impostor, which refers to the fact of not feeling “bisexual enough"As to be in spaces LGTBIQA +, which can lead to isolation or concealment of one's orientation. And you also keep hearing about another series of prejudices, such as that bisexual people are vicious or that they are more unfaithful. But they are not more than that, clichés. It is very common for bisexual people to end up internalizing this series of prejudices about themselves after hearing it so much. When this happens, we are talking about internalized biphobia.