Thailand's king signs legalisation of same-sex marriage

Thailand's king signs legalisation of same-sex marriage

Thailand expects hundreds of weddings when LGBT marriage comes into force on January 22, 2025

Thailand It is planned that hundreds of LGBT couples will celebrate collective weddings the next January 22, when the law will come into force equal marriage in the country, after receiving the backing of the Royal House yesterday. The King of Thailand, Maha Vajiralongkorn, has enacted this Tuesday the changes to the civil code that effectively legalize same-sex marriage.

The reform had already received the approval of both chambers of Parliament and involves, among other things, eliminating the reference to man and woman in the description of marriage - the formula "two individuals«-, while the legal status will cease to be «husband and wife» to become «married couple«.

Third country in Asia

The Royal Gazette announced on Tuesday the final promulgation by the monarch, although it still takes 120 days for the new regulations to be applicable. Once they come into force, Thailand will become third territory in Asia in recognizing same-sex marriage, following in the footsteps of Taiwán, which in May 2019 became the first Asian territory to legalize same-sex marriage, and Nepal, which took this step in June 2023.

El Senate of Thailand Last June, in an extraordinary session, the House of Representatives approved the reform that would allow gay marriage to be legalized. The law, which technically involves a series of amendments to the Civil Code, was approved 130 votes in favor of the 250 seats that make up the Senate. Four senators voted against and eight abstained on this reform, which was already approved by the House of Representatives in March.

Change of identity

The new law guarantees LGBT unions the equal rights those enjoyed by heterosexuals, including those related to inheritance, tax breaks and adoption children's.

Despite the country having one of the largest and most visible LGBT communities in all of Asia, activists criticize that Thai laws do not yet reflect the changes and attitudes of society in recent decades, and among other demands They demand recognition of the change of identity in legal documents.

Sources: El PeriodicoInfobae

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