I'm a lesbian here and in Japan

I'm a lesbian here and in Japan

NEWS.- Yesterday, April 26, was held in Spain for the eighth consecutive year the Lesbian Visibility Day. From the FELGTB Three basic issues are emphasized. In the first place, "ask non-heterosexual women who work in the public sphere to step forward and become positive social references that contribute to making visible the diversity that also exists among lesbian women." In the published manifesto, "institutions are required to put an end to discrimination in access to assisted reproduction and to commit to the protection of the sexual health of women who have sex with other women through specific and appropriate training to health personnel ».

That said, it's surprising that when 10 years of the pioneering approval of egalitarian marriage have just been fulfilled, the issue of lesbian visibility is so lagging behind. There are many examples of couples, marriages and public figures, but Where are the lesbians of this country?

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Interestingly we get pictures of the symbolic wedding between Ayaka Ichinose and Akane Sugimori, a couple of well-known actresses in Japan, where marriage between people of the same sex is not yet legal. In anticipation of the laws of their country, they decided to celebrate their wedding in Tokyo, thus becoming the first LGBT wedding in Japan. Both expressed their intention to register the marriage although they suppose that it will be rejected. And is that this wedding, beyond a gesture of love, is an act for the visibility and standardization of a whole collective. We keep fingers on our hands to point out the famous lesbians in Spain.

However not everything is occult in lesbiland. To finish we want to bring here another example in line with those gestures that contribute to that visibility. Is about the advertising campaign of the BBDO, the second largest bank in the United States by number of offices. The campaign includes an emotional spot in which we see two women practicing sign language, in the end we discovered that the reason is to be able to communicate with a deaf girl whom they are going to adopt as a couple. This normalizes and contributes to creating a positive image. Bravo!

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It has just started a year full of electoral appointments and it is important that we require the parties to position themselves in relation to LGTBI policies that contribute to improving our quality of life. But Laws are useless if we do not become visible, if among all we do not convert once and for all the cabinets, whether public or private, in splinters and we throw them to the bonfire so that we do not have to go back to them again.

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxDsx8HfXEk]

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