LGBTI organizations condemn the use of the Senate for an anti-abortion summit

LGBTI organizations condemn the use of the Senate for an anti-abortion summit LGBTI organizations condemn the use of the Senate for an anti-abortion summit

LGTBI entities in Catalonia denounce the transfer of a Senate room to host the VI Transatlantic Summit of the Political Values ​​Network

La Commission of the National LGBTI Council of Catalonia and the Platform of LGTBI Entities of Catalonia They denounce the transfer of a Senate room to host the VI Transatlantic Summit of the Values ​​Policy Network, an anti-abortion meeting that "It normalizes hate speech and represents a setback for fundamental rights«.

La Network of Politicians for Values (PNfV, for its acronym in English) was authorized to celebrate in a hall of the Senate next December 2nd your VI Transatlantic Summit, in which parliamentarians from American, European and African countries who are in against abortion «from the moment of conception«.

The global far right in the Senate

LGBTI organizations condemn the use of the Senate for an anti-abortion summitThe summit will serve as a loudspeaker for the reactionary theses of politicians from around the world, from the party of the Hungarian president Victor Orban, of the former Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, or the current Argentine president Javier Milei, even deputies of Uganda, where one of the laws has recently been approved anti-LGBTI+ the toughest in the world with sentences that include life imprisonment, passing through former PP leaderssuch as Jaime Mayor Oreja. Also, to other political leaders around the world who have expressed their support for the dictatorships of Augusto Pinochet en Chile or Francisco Franco in the Spanish state.

La Platform of LGTBI Entities of Catalonia has considered in a statement that the existence of speeches that question sexual and reproductive rights "It is a threat to women's freedom and autonomy over their own bodies.«. Furthermore, they believe that this attitude contributes to the «perpetuation of violence against women, who already suffer from a context of structural discrimination«.

For this reason, they claim that "It is unacceptable that the Popular Party - which has a majority in the Upper House - allows institutions to become loudspeakers of hatred and retrograde agendas» and demand a response from all democratic forces and civil society.

Manifesto of the National LGBTI+ Council of Catalonia

He too LGBTI National Council of Catalonia has shown its frontal rejection in a manifesto that demands the withdrawal of support and hosting of the summit, the public condemnation of the Government and institutions to the presence of this organization in state territory and that public policies be strengthened to combat hate speech and protect the rights of women and people. LGTBI +.

They consider the event to be an attack on sexual and reproductive rights, a speech against feminism, which rejects gender diversity, and they consider it unacceptable that the Senate, as a public institution, hosts an event by an organization that promotes hatred and discrimination. The document concludes by calling for a peaceful and forceful mobilization to prevent the extreme right from imposing its narrative of division and exclusion.

LGBTI organizations condemn the use of the Senate for an anti-abortion summit

Sources: La VanguardiaPublic

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