Abascal to Sánchez: "abandon this historical hatred of the left for homosexuals". The cynicism of the extreme right has no limits.
GAYLES.TV.- Yesterday he Congress of Deputies The world seemed upside down. The crisis of coronavirus has turned politics upside down: the right defending public health, the left taking the army to the street... Abascal He has not wanted to be left behind and has become a defender of the collective LGTB +. The same as in Ana Rosa's program was against equal marriage, the president of the party that proposes to repeal the Law that guarantees the rights of LGTBI people, the creator of gaysper, the one with the parental pin, the one on the orange bus, now it turns out that he is the champion LGTB +.
Abascal: "people should be able to love whoever they want »
In response to accusations from the previous plenary session of the April 22 in which the president Pedro Sánchez accused the extreme right wing formation of “Qualify homosexuality as a disease", Abascal took up the issue to claim "You can label and insult us however you want, but we care about Spaniards regardless of their color, age, sex and sexual orientation. I beg you to abandon that historical hatred of the left towards homosexuals".
"At Vox we do not despise anyone for their sexual tendency"And"en Vox they will not have to bear to see a former minister who sat next to her and now the attorney general, seriously insults them as she did with other colleagues from the blue bench"He commented in reference to Dolores Delgado and his recorded comment on the interior minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska.
But the best was yet to come. Sanchez he was ojiplático and his reaction has already become meme by listening to the leader of Vox say to Government"Stay away from idols like him Che Guevara, who imprisoned them, and encouraged their government partners, who now do not seem to want to listen, to move away from ideologies that cataloged people based on their sexual condition" Because according to abacal, "people must be able to love whoever they want, and it must be very hard for homosexuals to continue to pay homage to their persecutors and murderers" There is nothing. Cynicism and manipulation of reality is the basis of Vox's hate speech. And there are still people who will believe them.
📹 Abascal, before a surprised Sánchez: “You can label and insult us as you want, but we care about Spaniards regardless of their color, age, sex and sexual orientation. "I beg you to abandon this historical hatred of the left towards homosexuals." pic.twitter.com/N9yakIUSKW
- String SER (@La_SER) May 6, 2020
Source: La Vanguardia, Free Info, HuffPost, Cadena Ser
Photography: Gayles.tv
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