Rosalia marries Lauren Jauregui

Rosalia marries Lauren Jauregui

Rosalía and Lauren Jauregui get married in Las Vegas

GAYLES.TV.- Since the singer and songwriter Lauren jauregui He delivered last December 13 the award of Rising Star across Billboard Women in Music a Rosalia, rumors of a relationship between the two have not stopped. Social media flirtations and cryptic messages that his fans have deciphered too well. The Catalan singer has become the musical revolution of 2019 and now surprises us with a secret wedding in Las Vegas.

On December 22 he hung up in his Twitter a message with the emoticons of a ring, a heart and a fir tree. The accompanying text was «If I know, and your tmb and nobody elsessss«. Response from jauregui It was "If it were for me we would already be married«. The networks went crazy. And what seemed like a game to generate excitement among his fans has become reality.

Both met in Las Vegas and married in the Chapel of the Flowers, the most popular chapel in the city of sin. Rosalia wore red and jauregui of broken white. There are no photos of the wedding since it was held in total privacy, although it was a couple who also married in the same chapel who leaked to the portal TZM The wardrobe of the newlyweds.

From the sentimental past of Rosalia we knew he had a relationship with Anton Alvarez, known as rapper with the pseudonym of C. Tangana. They lived together for a long season until he left and began a relationship with the actress Berta Vázquez. "It made me suffer a lot»The Catalan singer acknowledged in an interview. Endless have been the rumors about other relationships, even Marta Sanchez he even insinuated that they had had something even if they were from another «generación«.

A Lauren Jauregui, who defined herself as bisexual, both male and female partners are known. He has had two official relations: one with Lucy Vives, her teenage friend, and the last one with Ty Dolla, the well-known rapper who gave Lauren more trouble than happiness. It seems that now a good dose of "good love" awaits him.

Source: The vanguard, TZM

Photography: Instagram


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