The Police stop a concert by Rocío Saiz at the Pride of Murcia for showing her breasts
Censorship at a concert Rocio Saiz during the festivities of LGTBI pride in Murcia. While the former singer of Las Chillers performed a version of her, she took off her shirt and launched herself into her audience from the stage. A scene that she repeats in almost all of her performances and in which she claims the visibility of the female body and the LGTBIQ + flag. In Murica, she was forced to stop the show: «The police have stopped the concert. They wouldn't let me continue if I didn't get dressed. Either I put on my shirt or I was handcuffed«, He has denounced in his account Twitter.
A person from the organization ended up surrounding Size with a flag LGTBIQ + to cover it completely. Size He has assured on his social networks that whenever he sings that song he shows his chest, and that he has been doing so for ten years. “The poor girl from the organization was super overwhelmed because the policemen were harassing her all the time", Explain Size. The organizers also let him know that this was his show and that if he decided not to continue, they understood him and supported him politically.
book duress
After dressing and going downstairs the Police He immediately asked for the documentation, while the organizers and the public stood in the middle. “There was not one policeman, but five”, he specified. When the singer, together with two companions, went to the entrance of her dressing room to pick up her things, other police officers prevented her from doing so "If he didn't talk to the inspector. Book coercion. I have refused, obviously”, he wrote in Twitter.
«The 'inspector' has come to look for me in the street to handcuff me, telling me that I had broken I don't know how many laws. And I asked him: 'If I were a man, would you be denouncing me?' And he has answered me emphatically: 'No'", has criticized Sainz, lamenting that the policeman told him directly that if a man did the same it would not be illegal.
I no longer have fun. I don't want to put the body anymore. Let others put it. Let others fight.
Let's see how many get ahead to truly fight for our rights. How many.— Rocio Saiz (@rocio__saiz) June 24, 2023
"This is what you voted for"
The inspector "I was somewhat alienated. He told me that I probably didn't know what work was, but that he was doing his job.”, says the singer. The policeman explained that a law prohibited taking off her shirt and that she was disturbing public order. “He told me to apologize or he would take me in handcuffs.", He says Size, "but I also refused. I was obsessed with submitting myself”. Thus, he received a complaint for disturbance of public order, contempt for authority and exhibitionism. What bothers you the most Size It is that if it had been a man who had taken off his shirt, nothing would have happened: “That apparently is not prohibited by law.”, she complains, visibly outraged.
Thus, according to the singer, the agents took their data. «I'll take a complaint. Furthermore, the policeman told me: 'This is what you voted for'. And he's right, the problem isn't him. It's what you voted for", has criticized Rocio Saiz.
For their part, the public present there and many people in networks have shown their support for the artist, such as Sergio Ramos Ruiz, exedile of City of Murcia who attended the concertThe highly questionable regulations on public scandal can never operate in an artistic show", he has defended.
La Association of Women in the Music Industry (MIM) has issued a statement on social networks where they regret the incident. “As Rigoberta Bandini says, it seems that our breasts scare them or we are the ones who scare them and that is why we have to reduce ourselves, shut up, stop and intimidate us, in short, stop ourselves, deprive ourselves of our rights and our freedoms”. From MIM they denounce the repressive action against Saiz: “We cannot tolerate this involution, and neither women nor the LGTBIQ+ collective can or should live the signaling, the restriction of their freedoms and the fear of being who they are.".