The reform of the regional LGBTI and Trans laws repeals twenty articles and changes the wording of four
Amnesty International y 30 LGTBI organizations from Region of Madrid, grouped on the platform Not a step back, delivered this Thursday 40.000 signatures in the Assembly of Madrid against the reform of the LGTBI and trans autonomous laws registered in the Autonomous Chamber by the Popular Group, according to Europa Press.
Coinciding with the taking into consideration in the plenary session of the Assembly of Madrid of the Bills presented by the popular parliamentary group that modify or repeal a large part of the articles of the current laws, which are, Law 2/2016, of March 29, on Gender Identity and Expression and Social Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Community of Madrid and Law 3/2016, of July 22, on Comprehensive Protection against LGTBIphobia and Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation in the Community of Madrid, both Amnesty International how the platform presents these signatures against what they consider would mean «a serious setback in human rights«.
Specifically, The reform of the LGTBI laws repeals twenty articles and changes the wording of four. In it, concepts such as Gender self-determination or reversal of the burden of proofas well as a discrimination by mistake or coeducation. It also touches up health aspects and eliminates the need for an LGTBI impact report for the Community's regulations, while removing the article intended for the recognition and institutional support of the group by the regional Executive.
Twenty articles repealed
One of the central parts of this reform is the educational field, which concentrates five of the twenty repealed articles. These are those who develop the Comprehensive plan on education and diversity, the one that tackles bullying, the one that addresses the inclusion of respect and LGTBI pedagogy in the curricula, the incorporation of the LGTBI reality in the study plans and the training of teaching staff. Finally, it eliminates the sanctioning regime.
The concept of gender identity is eliminated
In the case of the modification of the trans law, it focuses on the elimination of the concept of gender identity. The contents related to the subject in education are removed, it is established that minors must undergo pediatric inspection before accessing treatment and it is no longer considered «discrimination» psychological care or psychiatric evaluations. It also removes from the text the infractions and sanctions that the law currently includes.