The Congress eliminates the diagnosis of gender dysphoria

Reform Law Trans Congress of Deputies The Congress eliminates the diagnosis of gender dysphoria

All the groups, except the PP, support the proposal

GAYLES.TV.- 200 votes for and 128 against is the result of today's vote in the Congress of Deputies that has given the green light to the proposed law that eliminates the medical requirements for trans people to legally change their sex and name. It is a proposal of the PSOE to eliminate the diagnosis of gender dysphoria that has achieved the endorsement of all training less than PP. «Let's not forget that we are talking about minors and we have to be very cautious«, Has pointed out the deputy of the popular María del Carmen Dueñas.

The underage They may request the modification of the registration mention through their parents or legal representatives. In case of opposition between one and the other or both regarding the request of your son or daughter, it may be requested through the fiscal Ministery for the judge to resolve it «always taking into account the best interests of the child«.

LGBT flag and trans flag Gayles.tvIt is a historical claim of collective trans that until today he had to suffer the humiliation of declaring himself sick to be able to access the change. A doctor or psychologist had to justify that the applicant needed the change because he suffered gender dysphoria and be treated for at least two years. With the registration rectification of today, no more than the express declaration of the person concerned is required, stating his will.

In addition, the new specific wording that «the recognition of sexual identity and / or gender expression […] may not be conditioned, in any case, to the accreditation of having undergone any type of surgery, hormonal therapy or psychological, psychiatric or medical treatments of any kind«.

The collective claims the Integral Law of transsexuality

«It is a necessary administrative law, but transsexuality must be depathologized in all areas»Claims the activist Mar Cambrollé. ERC y We can they have celebrated the advance supporting the processing of this reform, but they have demanded the implementation of the Integral Law of transsexuality, the true vindication of the collective trans.

Reform Law Trans Congress of Deputies

Sources:, EuropaPress


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