PP and Vox strike down any reference to LGTBI issues in Palma's new organizational chart

PP and Vox strike down any reference to LGTBI issues in Palma's new organizational chart PP and Vox strike down any reference to LGTBI issues in Palma's new organizational chart

The opposition regrets the “40-year setback” in Palma for eliminating references to Catalan, gender violence or LGTBI

The full Palma City Council approved this Thursday the decree modifying the organization of the administrative services of the Consistory and has removed references on LGTBI issues, gender violence or Catalan, among other matters. The organization decree was approved at the beginning of this legislature, as usual, and is what determines the municipal organization and the powers that each area has. With this modification, the consortium with the Ramon Llull Institute.

The PP has defended that they are “specific nomenclature issues” and has assured that the government has “the same structure and functions” than until now. “It changes absolutely nothing"said the councilor of the Treasury, Public Function and Internal Government, Mercedes Celeste. In this sense, Celeste's He has said that work will continue on equality rights, violence against women and LGTBI issues."

Furthermore, he explained that the modification responds to the governance agreement with Vox, "that has to be fulfilled”. Thus, he has assured that the agreement “It does not involve modifying the municipal structure but it does involve making nomenclature modifications to comply with the agreement".

The opposition criticizes this measure

PP and Vox strike down any reference to LGTBI issues in Palma's new organizational chartFor their part, the municipal groups of PSOE Palma and MÉS Palma have criticized that “two months later" the PP is "yielded to Vox blackmail” modifying the decree. “It is evidence that Vox is governing more than the PP in this City Council", considered the eco-sovereignty councilor Miquel Angel Contreras. For example, he has regretted that now the council of Culture "It no longer has the powers to promote its own language or that the policies that can be made in favor of the language disappear. LGTBI community or awareness policies on gender issues".

For her part, the councilor of PSOE Palma Rosario Sánchez has assured that the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, "is dictating the policies to the Autonomous Community and the Palma City Council”. In addition, he has asked the government team for explanations about a modification that “brings back to the Town Hall 40 years ago”. Likewise, Sanchez has regretted that “The Ombudsman of Citizenship is removed from the organizational chart”, which he described as “insult" towards the neighbors of Palm tree.

PP and Vox strike down any reference to LGTBI issues in Palma's new organizational chart


Sources: elDiario.es

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