Redrawing gender

sex-and-gender Redrawing gender

A project by Gerard Coll-Planas and Maria Vidal on gender issues that leaves us a handful of questions

GAYLES.TV.- A couple of years ago we presented you the report "Blurring the body" in which we collected an interview Gerard Coll-Planas, Director of the Center d'Estudis Interdisciplinaris de Gènere de la Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, where he reflects extensively on the classifications of sex, gender and sexual orientation and on the social and cultural need to establish the various categories of gay, straight, man, lesbian, trans or woman ... The main conclusion of that work was that people are a lot more complex and we go beyond the corset of the definitions that label us.

All these arguments are included in the book "Drawing gender", a text in which Coll-Planas questions what it means to be male or female, what biological processes assume in that binary classification and to what extent gender is but a social construction that regulates the differences and inequalities between women and men excluding de facto trans, intersexual, gay, lesbian and bisexual people. Without forgetting to show the pressures, violence and discourses that establish the norms of gender molding our lives.


Well, that text that was accompanied by the incredible illustrations of Maria Vidal, has given rise to an informative project of animation of an unusual quality when it comes to dealing with these issues. The objective is to bring the contributions of gender studies closer to a wider audience and its character is eminently didactic. This is 4 short videos in which, through the eyes of some extraterrestrials, the different social conventions that surround and protect the binary social construction of gender in our culture are analyzed. The titles are sufficiently explicit: "Sex and gender", "Biology or culture", "Differences and inequalities between men and women" and "Gender and exclusion".

The project, in which Gerard Coll-Planas and Maria Vidal repeat collaboration, is designed for all types of audiences and is an excellent tool for educators and families, although, surely, many adults will be surprised by the ability to synthesize invaluable information to end definitively with concepts that hinder our ability to develop as people and reach fulfillment.

It is important that works such as the one we bring you circulate and have the maximum possible dissemination and more in these times that run in which initiatives in the opposite direction such as the leaflets distributed by "Hazte Oír" in schools, intend to return us to the caverns of thought and LGTBI rights.

The link to the videos you will find in

Enjoy them and happy weekend !!






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