LGTBIQ+ families earn almost 20% less than the rest in Spain

LGTBIQ+ families earn almost 20% less than the rest in Spain LGTBIQ+ families earn almost 20% less than the rest in Spain

A study by the FELGTB+ x-ray of the socioeconomic situation of LGTBIQ+ people in Spain

En Spain, LGTBIQ+ families They are, on average, poorer. They charge a year 20% less than the rest of Spanish families: 26.076 euros annually compared to 32.216 perceived by the general population. This is, 6.000 euros less rent annual average. The early abandonment of their home due to the expulsion of their family, wage discrimination due to their gender status, job instability to which many are forced due to their higher proportion of self-employed rate or the higher rate of homelessness are, according to the LGTBI+ State Federation, some of the factors that explain this situation.

According to LGTBI+ Socioeconomic State report, LGTBI+ State 2023 published this Wednesday by the Federation, almost two out of every ten people in the group (18,9%) earn less than 1.000 euros per month, and 35,8% earn between 1.000 and 2.000 euros per month. Or what is the same: only 30% earn between 2.000 and 4.000 euros per month. The situation worsens considerably among the trans people, which reflect greater vulnerability to poverty. Seven out of ten earn less than two thousand euros per month. There are also significant differences between gays and lesbians: if 58,7% of lesbian households earn less than 2.000 euros per month, only 38,8% of gay households receive a salary lower than that figure. That is, there is a difference of 20% between them.

Wage gap

LGTBIQ+ families earn almost 20% less than the rest in SpainHouseholds made up of gay men are the ones who suffer the least from this wage inequality, compared to trans people o asexuals, the most aggrieved. The big surprise is the very strong impact among the lesbian womens. ”We could expect a certain gap because gender always affects, but we have seen that it is a very vulnerable group” and with income levels “very polarized”, explains the sociologist and organizational secretary of the Federation, Ignacio Paredero.

The results also reflect a proportion of 13 points less in the rate of salaried employees —71,4% of the LGTBIQ+ population works as an employee—. And, consequently, they are more autonomous: about 23%; compared to 15% of the general population. Given this situation, the Federation has asked the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, to finish implementing the employment measures contemplated in the trans law and to call «urgently» the sectoral for «move forward with the development of its regulations«.

View the wage gap, it is evident that the risk of poverty and social exclusion also increases among the group. The study has been carried out by the company 40 dB in February through 800 interviews. There is greater difficulty paying the rent (44,8% of LGTBI+ people have had delays in the last year compared to 11,6% of the general population) and less ability to face unforeseen expenses (40,3% compared to to 35,5%). Furthermore, the percentage of people in the group who cannot afford a meal of meat, chicken or fish at least every two days doubles (14% compared to 5,5% of the general population).

homelessness LGTBIQ +

Regarding homelessness, 700.000 people LGTBIQ + have had to sleep on the street throughout their lives, that is, 2,3% of the group; 13,3% had to go live with friends or relatives temporarily; and 9,3% had to live in a «place not suitable as a home«. Once again, the situation worsens for the trans people: Only 50% have not had any homelessness problem.

Also for the lesbians, which is the second population with the most accommodation problems. 14,7% had to live with friends or family; 8,8% had to live in an unsuitable place; and 7,4% have had to sleep on the street. «This figure, in fact, is the highest among all identities and points to possible future lines of research on homelessness among lesbian women.«says the report.

One in five has not yet come out of the closet

The report also provides data on people who have made their sexual orientation public. 25% of the LGTBI+ population has not yet come out of the closet, and the average age of doing so is in 20 years. Only 26,8% have expressed it before, from 15 to 17 years old. Even so, the Federation points out that the people in the group come out of the closet earlier and earlier, which, they say, «shows the historical evolution of the conquest of rights and the evolution of society«.

LGTBIQ+ families earn almost 20% less than the rest in Spain


Sources: 20 minuteselDiario.es

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