Gay purge continues in Chechnya

CHECHENIA PURGA GAY MURDER Gay purge continues in Chechnya

They publish the names of 27 gais assassinated in Grozny

GAYLES.TV.- Abdulmezhidov Adam Isaevich, Abumuslimov Apti Hasanovic, Abdulkerimov Lado Ramzan Ramzanovich, Alimhanov Islam Aliev, Abubakarov Adam Dzhabrailovich, Bergan Ismail Shadidovich, Dasaev Adam Ilyasovich, Dzhabayev Adam Ilyasovich, Rizhabayev Adam Hizimed-Hizlovichwandanovichwandanovichwandan-Hizlovichwananovichwananovichwananovichanovichwannovichnovichanovichnovichnovichnovichnovichanovichanovichanovichnovichanovichanovichnovichnovich, Dzhabayev Adam Ilyasovich, Dzhabayev Adam Hizimed-Hizlovichwandanovichwananovichwananovichanovichu , Muskhanov Temirlan Ahmadovich, Ozdiev Usman Vahaevich, Rashidov Doc Ibrahimovic, Siriev Magomed Musaevich, Soltahmanov Ismail Ezer-Aliyev, Suleymanov Magomed Arbievich, Tuchaev Ahmed Ramzanovich, Habu Khamzat Slaudinovichmevich, Khakimovichioubidovichidovich Shambidovichidovichmovich Aloubidovichidovichidovichidovichidovichidovichmovichmovichidovich , Eskarbiev Sayhan Vahamsoltovich, Yusupov Sahab Marshak, Yusupov Shamhan Shayhovich.

This is the list you posted Novaya Gazeta, the local Chechnya that brought to light the investigation of concentration camp for gais. 27 Names. 27 Gay men who were killed because of their sexual orientation. Your only crime is to love in the wrong country. The report states that they were executed between the nights of the 25 and the 26 of January of 2017 in Grozny, Capital Chechnya"According to our information, the detainees were shot that night and have been taken to cemeteries, including Christians, and buried in hastily excavated tombs", reports the local media.

The gay purge promoted by the government of Ramzan Kadyrov already has 60 dead. When the case of the camps international outrage led to an investigation to clarify the facts. The Chechen and Russian authorities concluded that there was no type of persecution. That contradicted the testimonies that in international media had explained how they survived in the concentration camp. Silence on the part of the Russian Research Committee has forced Novaya Gazeta to publish the list with murdered gays as they explain in their report: "Two months we have waited for the cooperation of the investigation to be effective. To this day, it is obvious that the Russian Research Committee is losing ground on this situation. That is why we publish the list of those who, according to our information, were victims of the worst possible extrajudicial executions in Grozny "

Source: Pink News, Shangay


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