Protocol against LGTBIphobia in Catalonia


The Generalitat of Catalonia approves a protocol against LGTBIphobia

GAYLES.TV.- El Catalan Government has approved a protocol which displays the duty of intervention of the people working in the public administrations of Catalonia to make effective the boarding of the homophobia, biphobia and Transphobia. In this way, the circuits of the actions that involve the duty of intervention to coordinate all the agents and organs that intervene in the different departments of the administration are established.

PROTOCOLO CATALUÑA HOMOFOBIA GAYLES.TVThe protocol is framed within the application of the 11 / 2014 that the 18 of October of 2014 came into force with the aim of guaranteeing the rights of collective LGTBI and to eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. The purpose of this Law is to develop and guarantee the rights of LGTBI people and to avoid situations of violence or discrimination. The objective is to ensure that in Catalonia you can experience sexual diversity and gender identity with complete freedom.

The Law was very applauded when it came out, but criticized a posteriori for its lack of application. Bill Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies, with the approval of this pioneering protocol in Europe, is committed to administrations as guarantors of rights and represents a comprehensive look around the law.

The professionals prevention, detection, care, assistance and recovery in the areas of health and risky situation substantiated suspicion of discrimination o violence Because of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, they have the duty to communicate to the security forces and the competent bodies.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya


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