Talent creatiu i Empresa Program

Talent creatiu i Empresa Program

"Talent creatiu i Empresa" is an innovation program of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya that links schools of Visual Arts and Design with companies and institutions to develop real collaboration challenges.

Gayles.tv.- On November 5, the posters selected for the new edition of the program «Talent creatiu and company»Of the project commissioned by the Department of Treball, Afers Social and Famílies to raise awareness about the rights of the LGBTI collective.

Talent and companyHe explains it to us. Chakir El Homrani, Minister of Treball, Afers Social i Families, Josep Bargalló, Minister of Education, Olga Adroher, cap of servei dels Ensenyaments de Règim Especial and Enric Bages, from the Arsenal School of Art (Vilafranca del Penedès).

The project consisted of designing an awareness poster towards the LGBTI community, which will later be distributed in secondary schools. To carry out the project, the students have participated in sessions with the institutions and people affected by discrimination due to sexual orientation or gender identity, which expressed to the students the need to carry out proposals to work on their rights.

The program aims to raise awareness of the potential for knowledge and creativity that schools of Plastic Arts and Design can contribute to companies, entities and collaborating organizations.s. At the same time, it wants to promote the training and recycling of teachers in these art schools, through the transfer of knowledge between students and companies, to improve the skills of the participants. The project shows the dimension of art and current design as a tool for raising awareness and social demands. Thus, the schools of plastic arts and design work to convey to the students the ethical commitment to diversity as future designers.

Talent and company The contest is part of the deployment of Law 11 / 2014, to guarantee LGBTI rights and to eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and the Plan Interdepartmental public policy LGBTI of the Generalitat de Catalunya, in the field of education.

Last year the call brought together 100 alumnxs from 10 schools and was focused on defending the rights of LGBTI seniors. The winning works were exhibited in residences, day centers, sheltered homes, casals and civic centers in Catalonia. A traveling exhibition with all the finalist posters was also organized.

More than 130 proposals for posters of 10 schools of plastic arts and design in Catalonia were submitted to the project. The winners were:

Xavier Aznar, from l'Escola d'Art Gaspar Camps (Igualada)
Natalia Narro, from l'Escola d'Art Illa (Sabadell)
Enric Bages, from l'Escola d'Art Arsenal (Vilafranca del Penedès)

Talent and company








Source: Department of Treball, Afers Social and Famílies




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