"I have been raped more times than I have not had sex"

Life in the Model of the LGTB + prisoners, La Gilda, La Cati, La Rampona, La Candela ...

Write Leopold Estapé in his blog «The homosexuality It was not penalized in Spain until 1954, that does not mean that it was allowed. The whole country was a prison: a gesture, a hint or a comment was enough to be arrested and locked up without having a conviction.

By the hand of Leopold Estapé, historian specialized in the LGTB + collective, we walk the corridors of the prison Model, one of the penitentiary centers that housed homosexuals, transvestites and transsexuals. All of them were victims of Franco's repression with the application of Law of Vagrants and Maleantes and the Law of Social Hazard. 

Before the final closure of the Model, various visits have been organized to LGTB + entities by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Barcelona City Council.

The stories told by Leopold Estapé deserve to be rescued from oblivion, because there is no better justice than historical memory.


Bibliography courtesy of L. Estapé:

Barbancho, Juan-Ramón. Being yourself was not a crime. Ed. Dead Hare. 
Olmedo, Fernando. The whip and the feather. Ed. Oberón.
Look, Alberto, from Sodom to Sueca. Ed. Egales.
Genet, Jean, Diari del lladre, Ed. RBA.
Riera, Jaume, Sodomites catalans Ed. Base. 
Fluvià, Armand de. The moviment gai to the clandestinitat of the franquisme. Ed. Laertes.
Petit, Jordi. Lives of the rainbow. Ed. Egales. 
Huard, Geoffroy. The antisocial History of homosexuality in Barcelona and Paris, Ed. Macial Pons. 
Arnalte, Arturo. Raid of violets, the repression of homosexuals under the Franco regime, Ed. The sphere of books.


The Barcelona Diversa: poldest.blogspot.com.es
L'armari obert: leopoldest.blogspot.com.es
Ex-Prisoners Association of Spain: expresos-sociales.blogspot.com.es


jail Model

We thank the DGSP of the Generalitat de Catalunya the facilities for the realization of this report.





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