The Premier League supports the LGTB collective

Premier League LGTB gay soccer sport The Premier League supports the LGTB collective

The Premier League launches a campaign with multicolored laces

GAYLES.TV.- From the 24 in November to the 3 in December the followers of the Premier League you will see that your favorite players look laces with the rainbow in his boots. It is a community support campaign LGTB with which the league wants to commit to promote tolerance, respect and integration of the collective.

Premier League LGTB gay soccer sport Gayles.tvThe Twitter profiles of the Prime minister and the main clubs have been filled with color to support this initiative. For years now there has been a demand for a stronger commitment from the world of sports with the LGBT community, despite the fact that more and more athletes are coming out of the closet (let's remember the last Olympics of Cantabrian) there is still a lot of taboo. Especially in the world of football in which few players have declared themselves gay, and lacks more visibility.

This is why it is very important that during these 10 days the captains of the teams of the Prime minister that they play carry in their arms multicolored bracelets. That is why it is important that the flag is waved in the stadiums LGTB. Because football is a reference of masses and actions as these are the ones that can really raise awareness among many people.

The bell #RainbowLaces it's an initiative of the organization Stonewall that has achieved the firm commitment of the Prime minister during the next three years. Among its objectives is the defense of rights LGTB, visibility, integration and equality. Also the fight against homophobia in a sport in which homophobic insults are still heard from the stands.

I hope other countries copy the action and really commit themselves to these values ​​instead of draining the package as it happens in Spain, in which only some equipment like the Vallecano Ray They are truly involved. I hope soon the gay players decide to leave and not be threatened for it, as in the case of referee Jesus Tomillero. It would be good if the Real Madrid and FC Barcelona they will take note instead of arriving late and badly at the defense of the collective.

Premier League LGTB gay soccer sport

Source: Twitter, Daily Mail Filo News, TelemundoSports


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