«Please, don't go there»

«Please, don't go there»

Please do not go is the title of a ballad popularized by KC & The Sunshine Band in the early eighties and recently covered by Double You. When the chorus gets into your head there is no way to stop singing it.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrGx_MAlP1Q&w=560&h=315]
Versioned song
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN9Fpl2plvc&w=640&h=360]
Original Song

Do not go there (Do not go there) is the name given to the campaign that the Spanish LGBT COLLEGAS Confederation, launched in May of the 2014 with the purpose of alerting tourists and travel agencies about the worst destinations for LGTBI group members. And, sadly, we are not talking about lack of specific services or a legal situation that is not very favorable to the collective. We are talking about countries where you can be imprisoned, stoned, tortured or simply hunted down and abused under the protection of the law.

That is why we thought it appropriate, at this time when you are still preparing bags and thinking about possible destinations, to emphasize the warnings of COLLEAGUES and to collect here the list of countries that recommend not visiting "under any concept".

Please do not go to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, The Gambia, Ghana, Jordan, India, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Senegal, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan, Uganda, Yemen and Zimbabwe.

homophobic map

So to get rid of the bad taste in our mouths, we will continue humming to KC & The Sunshine Band or Double You, which were made for the colors.

Online TV


2 opinions about "«Please, don't go there»"

  1. It seems incredible that in the 21st century, there is discrimination. I am ashamed to be HUMAN. The animals do not discriminate.

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