Homophobic and ultra-conservative Hungarian MEP caught in gay orgy

Homophobic and ultra-conservative Hungarian MEP caught in gay orgy Homophobic and ultra-conservative Hungarian MEP caught in gay orgy

An Orbán MEP resigns after participating in an orgy in full confinement

GAYLES.TV.- Szájer József, co-founder of ultra-conservative party Fidesz and position of trust of the prime minister de Viktor Orbán, has resigned after admitting that he participated in an orgy in Brussels violating the restrictions of the pandemic. Last Friday he was surprised by the police just before the start of the curfew. I was participating in an orgy with 25 people, most of them naked men.

The member of European Parliament, who is one of the ideologues of a party whose postulates are homophobic, would have tried to escape by hanging himself from a building pipe, but was caught by the police. In addition to the MEP at the private party there were several diplomats. They were interrogated and fined for failing to comply with the strict confinement regulations currently in force in the country, whose capital is home to the headquarters of the EU institutions. The agents also allegedly found drugs at the scene. «I didn't do drugsHis According to the police, they found an ecstasy pill, but it's not mine, I don't know who or how it was placed«He assured.

Mouth submitted his resignation on Sunday to the president of European Parliament, David Sassoli, in a twist that no one could explain then, since the event was still unknown. When presenting his resignation on Sunday, the 59-year-old Hungarian politician assured that it was the result of "a long reflection", but did not refer to the episode.

mea culpa

After the event was made public, the former parliamentarian declared in a statement: «I deeply regret having violated the covid restrictions. It was irresponsible of me. I am prepared to pay the fine that is imposed on me. His statement makes it clear that his resignation from the act of MEP is a way of assuming political and personal responsibilities. “I apologize to my family, my colleagues, my voters. I ask you to evaluate my misstep against the background of 30 years of dedicated and hard work. The misstep is strictly personal, I am the only one who has the responsibility. I ask everyone not to extend it to my country or my political community", wrote.

Joseph is known for defending homophobic policies and personally wrote the article for the Hungarian constitution that leaves same-sex couples outside the definition of marriage. In fact, the 2010 Magna Carta has been repeatedly criticized by advocacy groups. human rights to attack the community LGTB +.

Homophobic and ultra-conservative Hungarian MEP caught in gay orgy

Source: CCMA, El País

Photographer: Reuters

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