Philippe Ariño, gay and chaste

Philippe-Arino Philippe Ariño, gay and chaste

Homosexual, Catholic and defender of chastity, Philippe Ariño prepares a conference in Barcelona that has generated a great controversy

GAYLES.TV.-  Philippe Ariño is a homosexual Catholic practitioner who in 2011 year discovered what he defines as "The beauty of continence". From that moment left the couple who had and is dedicated to throw to the four winds the message that the Gais should not have sex or have a partner, ie enthusiastically proclaim chastity and argues that homosexuals should refrain from following their drives. His arguments are not wasteful: "I discovered that by recognizing my wound and offering it to Christ and the Church my painful condition became a feast. Homosexuality is a wound that is not relieved by having relationships. If you do not admit it, you will never have peace. "

Philippe Ariño

Well, you see, everyone is very free to live their sexuality and their emotional, spiritual and social life as they please, but it is not so clear that to make an apology for a behavior that denies the right intrinsic to one's own sexuality is not homophobic behavior and therefore 11 / 2014 law against LGBT phobia. And why do we say this? Well, because Mr. Ariño plans to give a conference next Sunday 12 day in the parish of Santa Anna in Barcelona. The talk is organized by the Youth Pastoral Delegation of the Archdiocese of Barcelona and is part of the cycle of conferences "Café-Youcat" which, for 3 years ago, aims to reflect on issues of interest to youth. Your responsible, the priest Bruno Berchez, argues that Ariño comes to expose his personal position that must not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the Church (although it does coincide). He adds that Ariño is "a fascinating young man who does not hide, does not attack or deny homosexuality. He is an original thinker, interesting and a very sensitive person, spiritual and curious, who I even wanted to hitchhike”. The latter has reached our soul, it does not matter if it is an individual who happily pours opinions of internalized homophobia that if he comes by hitchhiking then nothing… Praise God!


Mireia Mata, Director General d'Igualtat of the Generalitat de Catalunya, has commented that the department has opened a file "to find out if the talk is punishable and violates the law." As he explains, there is no prior crime, so they will be vigilant "during the act the law is broken."  

To the collective LGTBI, CUP, PSC and Observatory against Homophobia they do not like this boy so chaste and so nice. Eugeni Rodríguez, As president of the OCH and spokesman for the FAGC, he has asked the archbishopric to suspend the discussion and apologize for an act of “homophobic content that violates the principle of uniformity. It seems unconstitutional to us to debate things for which we have fought for so many years, to question the sexual orientation of each one ”, declares Rodríguez. «Law 11/2014 obliges all the institutions of Catalonia not to discriminate against any person for any reason. Is it true that it is not discussed whether women should have the right to vote, why question whether or not homosexuality is something normal, whether it is different, whether it is a disease, whether or not one is born with it?

The controversy is served and opens the door to a reflection that is not alien to us. What are the limits between freedom of expression and those discourses that could be considered homophobic? We will have to have a clear opinion because we already know that "doctors have the Church" and they do know what discourse they want to spread.

Full conference conducted by Philippe Ariño the 12 / 02 / 2017 day at Santa Anna Parish:

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