For the first time Consells Nacionals de Catalunya, representing almost 800 entities, come together to register a petition to the Parliament of Catalonia on the Llei per a la Igualtat de Tracte i la No Discrimination
GAYLES.TV.- This week representatives of LGBTI National Council, National Council of the Youth of Catalunya,Council of the Great People, National Council of Gifts and the Federació d'Entitats Catalanes d'Acció Social (ECAS) have formalized a petition addressed to the Heads of the Parliamentary Groups of the Parlament de Catalunya and President of the Parliament, so that the Llei per a la Igualtat de Tracte i la No Discriminació be approved within this legislature.
At the end of the registrations, they were received by the President of the Parliament of Catalonia, Roger Torrent, with which they debated the need to pass the law within this legislature, after the bill has entered the Parliament on several occasions since 2015.
Why is it urgent to pass this law to combat LGBTIphobia?
The urgency for this law to be approved is given by the imminent completion of the current legislature in Catalunya. In other words, either it is approved in two weeks or it will continue to stretch over time. Hence the importance that, in a transversal way, all National Councils of Catalonia, who are direct beneficiaries of this law, have come together to exert greater pressure on those responsible for all parliamentary groups and the President of the Parliament.
It is urgent to guarantee the rights of people against all discrimination, not only those that affect LGBTI people. LGBTIphobia is not solved only with administrative fines. This law represents an opportunity to improve the infractions and sanctions regime with the experience of Llei 11/2014, and incorporate mediation and conflict resolution through training and services to the community.