Pride, struggle and shared memory

2018 PRIDE Pride, struggle and shared memory

More and more the Pride party tends to be assimilated to floats, parades and concerts ... but we should not forget what we celebrate and those who cannot celebrate anything.

GAYLES.TV.- June 28 is synonymous with struggle throughout the world. Because, despite the fact that today we can celebrate great advances in the area of ​​rights of the LGTBI community, there is still much to achieve, much to fight for.

This 2018 has been prodigal in homophobic statements by representatives of the Church, assaults and attacks on the street, labor discrimination for reasons of sexual orientation and gender expression. Lesbians remain largely invisible and we attend with shame to the face washes gayfriendly of genocidal states like that of Israel. And of course In many countries of the world, lesbians, gays and transgender people continue to be persecuted. Situations that are not the tip of the iceberg of heteropatriarchal societies that have adopted heterosexuality as a norm.

Today 28 of June we must pick up the word, build the future in the first person of the plural and do it in every street, in every neighborhood, town and city. To begin is a day in which we must remember those who have preceded us in the fight for LGTBI rights. To assert the memory of activists and those who have woven this multicolored tapestry in which feminist, popular and LGBTI struggles are intertwined in the path towards a fairer, more inclusive and diverse society.

It's time to organize to finish eradicating the farm of the LGBTI phobia, establishing policies that support and recognize us in all the municipalities, transforming the living conditions of the LGTBI elderly, contributing in the schools to implement pedagogical plans that highlight sexual diversity and gender of our societies and of course, delving into the task of achieving companies with good LGBTI practices both internally and in the workplace and in their social responsibility.

The areas in which we develop our work are endless, because they are all: sports, the street as a free space in which we can be who we are, without forgetting health where we must continue to support integrative and transversal health policies that recognize and understand the specific needs of each person that forms the LGTBI collective.

So we recover the ultimate sense of struggle that refers us to the origin of the Pride, references are not lacking: Stonewall and those who stood up to the police raids and of course the first demonstrations in Barcelona that were spread like wildfire throughout the territory. We denounce the pinkwashing It uses us to wash the faces of those who marginalize and discriminate against so many people around the world, especially those who live in silence their identity and who try to flee the countries where they suffer persecution and only get to live a special harrassment.

Because we will never again confine ourselves to certain neighborhoods, certain discs, certain saunas, because we have the right to develop in all areas of life without fear of suffering any type of discrimination. Let's be a starting point, a reference, we exist, let's do it.

Happy 2018 Pride Day!

Source: CridaLGTBI


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