Homophobia in Mallorca: “Are they really going to judge if i can get close the child for being gay?"
GAYLES.TV.- David alcon has filed several complaints and a complaint addressed to Illustrious Balearic Bar Association. At the trial between a friend of hers and her ex-husband, the father's lawyer asked the judge to impose a Restraining order so she couldn't see her friend's child, the one she cares for when she needs him. He argued that "it is nonsense and shame to be gay".
«I felt strange and very different from the rest of humanity. Insulted to humiliation, totally helpless" Explain Alcon. "Are they really going to judge whether I can get close to the boy because he is gay?He asks himself indignantly. On January 20 they will return to court. David has already filed a complaint at the headquarters of the Inca Civil Guard for homophobia crime and damage to his dignity and will also go to the Hate Crimes Prosecutor's Office. It is protected in article 510 of the Penal Code and in the law 8/2016, which guarantees the rights of people LGTB +.
"I had never felt homophobia in my own flesh"
David and her husband, with whom she has shared life for more than 17 years, are part of the association LGTB + from their municipality and participate in the pride festivals. Take care of the child on several occasions when her friend needs her. "I never thought I'd see myself in this situation. I had never felt the homophobia in my own meats and it's truly heartbreaking", Explain David. "The silence in the room while not only humiliating me, but also the entire group LGTB + it's heartbreaking. It causes me confusion and helplessness. It is incredible that in the Europe of the XNUMXst century this can continue to happen and that they question whether a homosexual can care for a minor«, Critic.
The lawyer of the father of the minor and his relative alleged that "since David has appeared in the life of her friend, is disturbing the life of the son" So he asked the judge to dictate "a measure so that this person does not get closer to the child and never go to school again and can no longer speak to him ”. The code of ethics for the judicial career establishes that magistrates "They must actively commit to respect for dignity and equality, without discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation or political convictions."
Source: nius
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