No to homophobia in sport

Homophobia? knot me No to homophobia in sport

GAYLES.TV.-  From yesterday 31 of March until next 4 of April different stars of the Australian sport participate in the campaign "Homophobia? Knot me ", Something like "Homophobia? I do not" which aims to raise awareness against homophobia present in sport. The athletes, belonging to different disciplines, will wear rainbow-colored bows in the competitions in which they participate during the weekend.
homophobia sportThe results of a survey carried out last year by 2015 "Out On The Fields" showed results that clearly show how homophobic behavior, both by practitioners and amateurs and sports professionals, is a serious problem that affects different sports disciplines around the world .

It is the case that the 80% of respondents to the survey claim to have experienced or witnessed homophobic acts. It is not surprising if we consider that the 84% recognizes that homophobic type jokes on the pitch are heard "often" or "all the time". On the other hand almost the 50% considers that the sports culture does not accept the LGTBI community.

If we focus on gay men, no less than 73% say that homophobia is more present in team sports. In fact, there is officially not a single openly gay player on any of the top teams in the different Australian leagues. Obviously they do exist but the fear of judgment that public opinion may make prevents them from living openly their orhomophobia and sportsexual orientation.

Those who wish to join this campaign to combat homophobia in sport are asked to contribute by wearing rainbow laces in any type of sports facility at least during the days of the campaign.

An initiative that applaud hoping that has the maximum impact and follow-up.

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