Sandra Barneda breaks live lockers

Sandra Barneda breaks live lockers

NEWS.- Sandra Barneda claimed live on the program "Talk to them" the right of each person to be who they are and to live openly or privately their sexuality and their relationships.

The intervention of the presenter began with the recognition at the exit of the wardrobe of Patricia Yurena, the Spanish miss that made public its relationship with another woman in social networks.

Sandra asked for respect and recognition for all those who, even today, are forced to live their sexual orientation in silence. Denounced the need to place labels and to use the affective life of the other as a throwing weapon. - "I'm fed up, I don't believe in prejudices, I believe in people, I believe in feelings, we are talking about love." - These were the emotional words of Sandra Barneda who managed to get the whole set and the audience of her Program.

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2 opinions about "Sandra Barneda breaks live lockers"

  1. Your sexual orientation IS NOT A PRIVATE TOPIC Sandra. Since when is hererosexuality a private matter? Private are your sexual practices. You have not managed to pronounce the word "lesbian" or "bisexual". You are doing us a disservice ...

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