New aggression against two lesbians

lesbian couple New aggression against two lesbians

A lesbian couple was brutally attacked in the presence of the son of one of them

GAYLES.TV.- The next time someone asks us why we celebrate pride, that everything is already “normalized” (what a horrible way of talking about integration and diversity), we should paper it with the headlines of attacks on trans, lesbians, gay, in short, everything that is out of their "norm." And it seems that there is no situation, no celebration, or celebration that stops homophobes and homophobes, be careful, since in the aggression we are talking about, women played a prominent role. Neither festivals, nor San Juan, nor Pride, nor anything, the street is theirs and if it bothers them that you kiss your partner, they will beat you up in the presence of your young son, your sister or whoever it takes.


Facts happened in the past day 23, verbena of San Juan, in the locality of Arbeca, in Lleida, the girls attended a recital of the singer's music Pau Pons who invited the audience to come on stage to sing. One of them did it and when he returned to his partner he gave him a kiss and here the mockery and mockery started on the part of a group of people. The two women faced each other and asked what they were laughing at, and that was when the words came to pass. According to the testimony of Monica, sister of one of the victims, "One of them took them from the head, against my sister's and stamped them between them. I was there I saw it and what I did was to push the other one, but at that moment, from behind, they were already hitting my sister and also my sister-in-law who dragged me by, caught by the neck. They hit him with a header on the ground, against the bar that was outside here. " If the facts are brutal, to imagine that all this was produced in the presence of the small son of one of them, puts the hair of tip. Fortunately, the victims recover from the injuries received from those who were treated in a Primary Care Center.

The couple has reported the facts to the Mossos d'Esquadra who, it seems, have information on who would have participated in the homophobic aggression. It would be a group of 6 persons probably of Romanian nationality according to several eyewitnesses who managed to stop the aggression. The attack was initiated by a woman who was later joined by the rest of the group.

Sandra Castro, representing the group LGTBI Associació Colors de Ponent, has denounced the facts affirming that this type of aggressions are the consequence of a deeply ingrained homophobic discourse before which only the forcefulness in the application of the current legality is valid.


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