Better dead than lesbian

Lesbian Italy corrective violation Better dead than lesbian

Italian Lesbian denounces her father for corrective violations

GAYLES.TV.- Francesca she is a young woman Palermo of 23 years that has broken his silence and has denounced his parents for corrective violations continued for years. When they found out that she was a lesbian, the beatings and rapes began. His mother went so far as to affirm «better a dead daughter than a lesbian«.

Now Francesca has decided to tell his past in the newspaper La Repubblica. It does so because «eIt's important to tell this story, because many other girls who live in situations similar to mine do not get discouraged, never think about ending it, because they can also find the courage to denounce«.

The abuse began when I had only 15 years. Her sister read text messages in which Francesca He explained his feelings about other girls to some friends. The sister taught the messages to the father and so began the violence and abuse.

That same day they beat him up: «while we were in the car, they hit me on the head, on my legs, they hit me everywhere«. In order to "educate it and return it to the right path"When she was locked in her room, the father began to undress and said"you should look at these things, not at women" before rape her as a punishment. The abuse and mistreatment lasted for years.

«I tried to commit suicide three times, but after another sexual abuse I escaped and informed them that I had just come of age«, Explains the young Italian. After leaving her native home, Francesca lived in a sheltered community for some time and only then did she make the decision to report.

Lesbian Italy corrective violation

Source: Huffingron Post, TPI Plus

Photographer: Pixabay,


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