Italy, "gay marriage" decaffeinated

Italy gay unions Italy, "gay marriage" decaffeinated

The Italian Senate approves the unions of gays and lesbians.

EDITORIAL.- The news brings us to publish two editorial texts in the same week. But it is that what is happening in Italy can not be given as simple news without taking a stand. Already last January 25 we published the text "Awakening LGTBI in Italy"In which we warned of the amputation risks they were planning on the homosexual unions bill.
Italy gay unions

Just read the media headlines to realize that the triumph of yesterday is bittersweet, is an important step, yes, but continues to leave the gay group in a situation of second-class citizens. The most widespread is the "The Italian Senate approves gay unions". That is, nobody wants to get wet, nobody wants to recognize that the interests of the ultra Catholic right and the ultra right have decaffeinated, skimmed, distorted what was called to be the end of an unsustainable situation in a democratic country that is part of the European Union and that is the fact that thousands of citizens see their most basic constitutional rights diminished and are not in a situation of equality with the rest of their compatriots.

And here the question is that the Democratic Party of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, has been forced to modify the initial text to get the support of his partner in the executive, the conservative formation Nuevo Centroderecha. Otherwise, the text would not have prospered. Thus the bill has been approved by 173 votes for and 71 against, and only the ratification by the Chamber of Deputies would be pending so that it can enter into force.

While it is true that a giant step has been taken after weeks of blockade due to the intense social controversy that the issue has generated, it is also true that Italian homosexuals can not renounce complete equality with the marriage to which they are entitled. the heterosexuals.
homosexual union Italy

The Prime Minister Matthew Renzi declared, «Today's day will remain for the chronicle of this legislature and for the history of our country. Hope has won against fear. Courage against discrimination. Love has won ».

We are not going to detract here from the effort made so that the mere civil union was recognized, but neither is the issue to launch rockets. In the first place, the right of adoption of the natural children of the other member of the couple is not recognized, apparently the detractors of the law feared that this recognition would encourage surrogacy. You see that your ass will have to do with the temporas. And all because Catholic and conservative groups insist that "a child must have a father and a mother." Anyway.

On the other hand and in order to avoid confusion between this type of unions and marriage between a man and a woman, no reference to fidelity within the couple is included. Or maybe it is that the topic of homosexual promiscuity has been imposed.

Nor are we going to say that everything is negative, in the end much of the rights provided for in civil marriage will be extended to civil unions between people of the same sex and that is the firstgay civil union ItalyIt is only once established in Italy, but we can not fail to denounce the limitations and the absolute discrimination it represents for gays and lesbians.

A very high price has been paid for silencing Catholics and conservatives and the worst thing is that in the end the approved text does not just satisfy anyone, neither the defenders of the law nor its detractors.

In short, the struggle continues and will not cease until all individuals have the same rights without any type of discrimination linked to their sexual or gender choice. That day we can say with Matteo Renzi that he has won love.

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