The trans-mess of the Feminist Party

Lidia Falcón The trans-mess of the Feminist Party

After equating in a Tweet the trans women with "pimps, pimps and buyers of children", the Feminist Party retracts in a statement signed by Lidia Falcón, its president

GAYLES.TV.- It is difficult to face the mess between the Feminist Party, the Trans Platform and ALEAS-IU without personalizing the thing, but it's that Lidia Falcón it makes it downright complicated. So let's try to sort the facts in chronological order.

Last Saturday the 25M Institute, Linked to We can, organized an event in which the transfeminist academic Sam Fernández He talked about feminism. At one point in his speech he affirmed that feminism "You have to risk your subject" recognizing the presence of transgender women within the feminist movement. Automatically social networks began to spit hate messages that denied transsexual women their meaningful and lived sex, especially by TERF (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist), a group of feminist transphobic groups and the Feminist Party, member of the Izquierda Unida formation. The height of the many transphobic messages that were published in the Twitter account of the party led by Lidia Falcón was one that has already been withdrawn due to the social pressure received and that read as follows:

  • "We are going to lose the objectives if we give them scope for their guerrilla warfare to trans, pimps, pimps and buyers of children. Here neither human rights are negotiated, nor discussed. Let them fight among themselves, which is what they want us to do "

Ole, ole and ole, like that, without anesthesia, without shame, without criteria and I would dare to say without ideology, yes, Mrs. Falcón, without ideology, even though in the statement published when she was threatened with the expulsion of Izquierda Unida, boast of the battles waged in defense of all the marginalized and oppressed people of the planet Earth. As if you embodied the left and the feminism of this country, not to mention the world, let's go. Up to 3 times the phrase is read "myself" in the text that takes by title "Communiqué from the Feminist Party of Spain about the tweets that have been disseminated in his name", Often ego, madam president!

But let's not lose the thread. The question is that the declarations "Transfobas and insulting" spilled by the Feminist Party, ignited the spirits of the IU coalition that demanded a "Immediate and public rectification to stop once and for all the persecution that the Feminist Party does about the collective of transgender people and the whole LGTBI community, contradicting both the principles of the United Left and its electoral program". In other words, translated would be: "Lidia, or you retract or you could be expelled from the coalition by "Commission of crimes by LGTBIfobia".

And what has Falcón done? Retract? Rather, it has been "portrayed." In the first place, leaving the poor thing who wrote the tweet with her ass in the air by stating that "It was not authorized to do so and did not consult with the Party leadership"  (that is, with Lydia). The very title of the communique is incoherent because, what does it mean? "The tweets that have spread in his name (of the Feminist Party)"? But they were published on the Party's Twitter account! A little serious, please. From there, the text is an elegy to the struggle carried out by his party and a blah blah blah of yo yo yo in which he even dares to mention Pedro Zerolo: "As Pedro Zerolo recognized, the Feminist Movement has been the main defender and defender of the rights of homosexuals, in which they are in the first row MYSELF and the Feminist Party ". But let's see: is that the Feminist Movement does not embody you alone, neither you nor the panda of transferees that attacked Sam Fernandez, feminism is not the exclusive property of militants of organizations, parties and coalitions, feminism is in the institutes , in the companies, in the streets, in the LGTBI collective, yes, Mrs. Falcón, also in the collective, in the thousands of lesbian and transgender women who take up the feminist demands.

Have faith, madam president, faith in the young women who make their way in this struggle for the rights of all and give them, let us give them generously the witness they are claiming. They are "dwarfs on the shoulders of giantesses" sure they see much further than us.


Photographer: Canalsur (The Memory)


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